A young team has been working on the future of Bernese culture magazine Bewegungsmelder since it went out of print. This led to our project «BM Digital», an Online magazine for Berne’s cultural life.

CHF 11’115

158% de CHF 7’000

158 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

91 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 14.5.2015

...what has been

December 2014 marked the last printed edition of Bernese culture magazine Bewegungsmelder, a Bernese culture magazine which had been published for 17 years with issues for Berne, Zurich and Basel. A young and highly motivated team got together and has been working on overhauling the concept ever since. This has led to the project «BM Digital», which aims to transform Bewegungsmelder from a printed to a exclusively digital format.

...what is to come

For this, we founded the association «Bewegungsmelder Magazin», which aims to guarantee a relevant online magazine for Berne. On our newly designed website, cultural events such as concerts, exhibitions, dance or theatre performances will be presented. Furthermore, there will be reviews of new music, background reports, interviews, portraits and further editorial content. The project «BM Digital» consists of an association with core-members, who work on a voluntary basis. We mainly need the money for the initial expenses which come with the realisation of a new online platform and its graphic implementation. We would also like, in the not overly distant future, to start work on a Bernese nightlife App, should we be able to generate the funds necessary.

...we need you!

In order to make this all possible, we need your help. Support us and enable Bewegungsmelder to once again enrichen Berne’s cultural life.