Seis personalidades se unen por una causa común: la ecología y la adaptación al clima. Las abejas y los árboles son los temas clave en su esfuerzo por un cambio positivo en la #Climatadaptation!

CHF 10’219

20% di CHF 50’000

20 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

37 sostenitori

Concluso il 26.10.2020


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  • Dein Projekt gefällt uns – und gehört daher momentan zur Kategorie «Unsere Lieblinge»! Für die nächsten Tage erscheint es auf der Startseite und in der Kategorie «Empfohlene».
    Ein guter Grund ein bisschen stolz zu sein und es allen zu erzählen: Verfasse eine News, einen Post oder Tweet!

    Woody wemakeit il 12.10.2020 11:21

  • Since we are going through strange times the response to this campaign is strange: Climate, Bees & Trees should be a concern to anyone caring about a healthy environment - which clearly is threatened. Yet, backers for this project seem to come on board unexpectedly slow. ... So, I have added a big, cumulative+ reward for someone who wants to change the status quo....

    Tom il 20.9.2020 12:32

  • Over the weekend 6 backers signed up and 3 more are in the process of doing so - THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

    This week we shall focus on the work of Cosco and Chris in the Alpujarras - hope you're going to enjoy.

    Cheers, tom

    Tom il 14.9.2020 08:45

  • The kick-off event went very well indeed. Please watch here:

    Tom il 12.9.2020 14:15

  • This is what is need for all of us NOW!

    tom il 11.9.2020 07:49