En tant que communauté passionnée d’outdoor et de montagne, nous œuvrons ensemble pour rendre la visite de notre cabane préférée et nos comportements quotidiens plus respectueux de l’environnement.
CHF 52’155
104% di CHF 50’000
Come funziona
Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.
Concluso con successo il 7.12.2020
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Thank you for the kind words! We are always looking for motivated volunteers. If you would like to become one here in Switzerland drop us an email - info@protectourwinters.ch
Thank you all for the messages. Wemadeit together - We reached our goal! We are blown away with the support. Stay tuned for the project launch in 2021.
Fai il login con il tuo profilo, per commentare questo progetto.
Thank you for the kind words! We are always looking for motivated volunteers. If you would like to become one here in Switzerland drop us an email - info@protectourwinters.ch
Thank you all for the messages. Wemadeit together - We reached our goal! We are blown away with the support. Stay tuned for the project launch in 2021.
Protect Our Winters Switzerland il 2.12.2020 13:17
Love our outdoors, love our winters, love what you are doing!! Go on and if you need some support I'd love to contribute with my time and inspiration!
Hugo il 1.12.2020 09:28
Weil ich den Winter liebe! Und Essen meine Passion ist...
citibexx27 il 23.11.2020 23:58
Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien et vos messages positifs! Ca nous encourage de continuer sur notre chemin et poursuivre notre mission!
Protect Our Winters Switzerland il 18.11.2020 20:36
je passe la majorité de mon temps libre en montagne et encore plus en hiver alors oui si je peux aider à améliorer l'impact carbone avec plaisir
Olivier Peissard il 18.11.2020 16:15
Great project!
Mathilde il 18.11.2020 15:48
a lite change i our daily food choice can have huge effect on the planet, on our winters!
David Pernet Russell il 17.11.2020 11:35
cool! irgendwann wird das Essen nur noch bei guter Thermik mit dem Gleitschirm hoch geflogen :-)
Roman il 16.11.2020 16:57