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5current projects close to Pinggau in film

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Pinggau. But this may be of interest to you.
New LineUp - New Album

Film, Music, and Performing Arts


New LineUp - New Album

by INFINITAS - Fantasy infused Melodic Metal

After the successful release of the songs XANA & KRATOS, everyone is eagerly awaiting an album with our new frontwoman, Mary Crane. Help us make this a reality! We plan to produce 5 epic videos too.

33 %
CHF 27’955
25 days to go
DokFilm "Hopes and Fears"

Film and Art

Bern and Tbilisi

DokFilm «Hopes and Fears»

by Lisa and Sandrine

«Hopes and Fears» is a documentary film that sheds light on the situation of young Russian artists in Georgia.

92 %
CHF 11’097
3 days to go
Blink of an Eye (Clip)

Film and Music

Geneva, Présilly, and Largillay-Marsonnay

Blink of an Eye (Clip)

by Nicolai Tchetchelachvili

Réalisation d'un clip de musique du morceau Blink of an Eye du groupe Dr Savage.

9 %
CHF 275
4 days to go

Photography, Film, and Art



by elisa.bauer

«Womance», un court-métrage dramatique qui aborde les thèmes des barrières éducationnelles et sociétales ainsi que les ambiguïtés relationnelles vécues par les femmes au travers du regard de Tallulah.

2 %
CHF 295
42 days to go
Heinz und Timmi

Film, Kids / Youth, and Education


«Heinz und Timmi entdecken die Welt»: ambitioniertes Edutainment-Format, das sich darauf konzentriert, Kindern auf spielerische, interaktive und inspirierende Weise Wissen zu vermitteln.