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11current projects close to Villeneuve in film

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Promoting young filmmakers

Film, Kids / Youth, and Art

Vevey and Geneva

Promoting young filmmakers

by marmotteproductions

Since 2021, Marmottes productions has been producing films by young Swiss filmmakers. Your support will help us to screen them in different ways. Swiss cinema screened locally.

10 %
CHF 845
25 days to go
"The New Boyfriend"


Sion, Vétroz, and Sierre

«The New Boyfriend»


Discover «Le Nouveau Copain», an explosive short film where a family dinner turns dramatic when a mysterious sculpture vanishes. Support us to bring this adventure to life!

6 %
CHF 280
26 days to go
Catillon Le Film

Film, art, and Tourism


Catillon Le Film

by Catillonlefilm

CATILLON est un film épique qui réunit plus de 100 acteurs et actrices de la région fribourgeoise pour dévoiler la légende mystérieuse de la sorcière de Fribourg!

9 %
CHF 678
33 days to go
One Last Night

Film and Art

Geneva and Los Angeles

One Last Night

by Cornland Studio

ONE LAST NIGHT, a poignant short film, follows two brothers facing their mother’s alcoholism in the heart of Los Angeles. Support the second short film by director Michael Guillod.

151 %
CHF 10’585
14 days to go
"Underwater" (sous l'eau)

Film, art, and Sport


«Underwater» (sous l'eau)

by Chiara Gervasoni

Avec Nathalie Racheter et un club formateur, nous réalisons un documentaire sur la natation artistique, un sport d'élite aux multiples facettes, en faveur de la Fondation Otium.

29 %
CHF 3’580
31 days to go
SCHWEIZ (die Dokumentation)

Film, Journalism, and Education


Seien Sie ein Teil der erste atemberaubende Dokumentation über die Gründung unseres wunderschönen Landes «Schweiz». Tauchen Sie ein in eine faszinierende Reise durch die Geschichte der Schweiz.

0 %
23 days to go
Serienfestival Basel

Film and Festival


Bereits zum vierten Mal wird das einzige Serienfestival der Schweiz vom 12.-14. Juni 2025 stattfinden. Als neuer Programmpunkt wird ein Wettbewerb für neue Serienkonzepte in Entwicklung veranstaltet.

10 %
CHF 1’525
13 days to go
Together for Hofkino!

Film and Festival


Together for Hofkino!

by dfrischknecht and RIC_O_FAN

Short-term sponsor losses are threatening our heartfelt project. Help us keep Hofkino alive and continue offering cinema culture combined with sustainable gastronomy at the Landesmuseum this summer.

66 %
CHF 33’053
29 days to go
Documentary Club Zukunft

Film, Music, and Community


Documentary Club Zukunft

by Julian Kirchner, StreamOn, and Stephan Schulz

We have been producing the documentary film about Club Zukunft Zurich since summer 2023. Our film will be released in 2025. We are now raising money for the editing and sound work.

78 %
CHF 25’983
7 days to go
Mind After Midnight

Film, Community, and Art

Zürich and St. Gallen

Mind After Midnight

by Miranda Winter

The dramedy tells the story of Janne, a woman in her late 20s whose struggle with insomnia and self-confidence leads to an absurd confrontation with her own personified insomnia.

35 %
CHF 535
15 days to go
Kinoprojekt im Val Müstair

Film, Community, and Kids / Youth

Val Müstair

In einem historischen Theaterdachstock in Santa Maria – Val Müstair soll ein vergessener, nostalgischer Ort als Kino wiederbelebt werden, um Kultur und die regionale Gemeinschaft zu bereichern.