Concert for peace

Concert for peace

by Paul Widmer


Peace Concert on 15 June in Lucerne, where a string quartet from Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine will play pieces by Vivaldi, Bach, Elgar and others as a sign of hope for peace.


0% of CHF 7’000

0 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

0 backers

Concluded on 12/6/2024

This is what it's all about.

The peace concert, which is organised by the ’Stand up again’ association, aims to set an example of global hope for peace and peace work. Peace is usually not just given to us from heaven, we have to reconcile ourselves everywhere and again and again and work towards peace. In the spirit of Nicholas of Flüe and Erasmus of Rotterdam, we want to make a special effort to ensure that Switzerland remains a place of reconciliation and becomes ever more aware of this calling.

Classical music with pieces by Vivaldi, C.P.E. Bach, Elgar, Massenet.




International violin quartet from Ukraine ─ n.n.,
Russia ─ Mischa KIBARDIN, Palestine ─ Hisham KHOURY,
Israel ─ Saida BAR-LEV

Organiser: Association ’Stand up again’

  • Member of quartet from Israel Saida Bar-Lev
    Member of quartet from Israel Saida Bar-Lev
  • Member of quartet from Palestina Hissam Khoury
    Member of quartet from Palestina Hissam Khoury
  • Member of quartet from Russia Mischa Kibardin
    Member of quartet from Russia Mischa Kibardin
  • Concertmaster Sebastiano Maria Vianello
    Concertmaster Sebastiano Maria Vianello

My project is special because ...

Great classical music, played harmoniously by string players from conflict zones, symbolises and reveals with all its strength the harmony to which we humans of all the world are destined. On 15 June, a peace conference on Ukraine will take place on the Bürgenstock. As a sign of Swiss civil society, i.e. of ordinary people from a neutral country that is particularly destined to mediate peace, we want to tell the world that we are striving for peace with everyone in the world as the natural destiny of all people without blinkers and prejudices, but also modestly and without know-it-all attitude. Music and peace go hand in hand and this must be affirmed with outstanding performers and convinced servants of human reconciliation.

  • Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
    Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
  • Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
    Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
  • Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
    Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
  • Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
    Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
  • Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert
    Maestro Gabriella Carli conducts the concert

This is what I need backing for.

We need the money for the payment of the orchestra and the soloists, as well as for the rent of the concert hall and the printing of the flyers.