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ar backers and proud Damien Hirst owners!
Thanks to your support the www.DAMIENHIRST.sale online-shop is finally online! Have a look, tell it to your friends and shop until you drop: www.DAMIENHIRST.sale (beta)
this is still the beta version and will be updated regularly till you have your own hirst in your own hands!
Big hugs Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret *an art dealer you can trust
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ar collectors, i just came back from china, we are still in the prototype phase but are soon going into mass-production. your hirst will look great and you will soon be able to call yourself a proud owner of a real damien hirst. all 200 sculptures are handmade, this obviously takes time. i hope we will start the shipment in december 2017.
thanks again for your support and patience! all the best jeremie jean-ferdinand maret - an art dealer you can trust
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ar friends, family and proud Hirst owners
I am back in Shanghai to start the production of your Hirsts! What a campaign, what an unbelievable finishing!
With your help I will be able to re-open my gallery THE PROPOSAL in Basel later this year. THANK YOU SO MUCH, this is just the beginning, without you this would not be possible!! Special thanks to Céline Fallet, Nicolas Riedo, Puttisak Sanvisate, Tikitoki Tokijad, Rea Eggli, Carmen Roshard the sales woman of the month and of course Melina for her incredible creative and allover help in times when I really became the art dealer that I fear. And last but not least all the 106 backers of my pre-sale, this is huge, thank you again!
In the next weeks I will visit the production site and will keep you posted with all the progress, expect your Hirsts late October! Quality comes first! What a ride, what a team, what a joy.
Love you all Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret - an art dealer you can trust.
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Wow, what a final rush! 2 days before the end of my campaign I have sold the first Hirst Life-Size to a patron. He wants to stay anonymous for now, but I am about to meet him in St. Moritz tonight!
So I am almost there, only 10’000 Euros left! Buy your own Hirst now and help me to re-open my gallery THE PROPOSAL this fall. Every sale counts – it’s now or never!
Truly yours, Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret – an art dealer you can trust
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Only 6 days left! As of now, I already sold Hirst sculptures worth EUR 16’186. But that is not enough. On wemakeit, it’s all or nothing. I need to reach my funding goal until next Friday, otherwise you get your money back and I will be not able to produce the Hirsts and re-open my gallery space THE PROPOSAL.
How can you help? Find at least one buyer and we double the sales – hello snowball system! If we manage to do that, I have a patron that buys the life-size Hirst for my gallery opening in autumn.
And don’t forget, also the small Hirst is worth the price: The protoype will be handmade in China, no 3D-printing involved, and the sculpture made of poly-resin will be delivered in a special window-packaging.
Truly yours, Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret – an art dealer you can trust
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Time flies, only 13 days left! My «Hirst Pre-Sale Art Basel» was a huge success. We were the talk of the town and we already sold 70 of the small Hirst sculptures!
Help me to finish my wemakeit campaign successfully until July 7 to become the world’s leading Hirst dealer and reactive my own gallery THE PROPOSAL.
It would be great if you shared, posted or spread my add attached – and of course word-of-mouth is just as important. If each of you finds one more buyer, we’re almost there. Right now I’m talking to different art collectors that are interested in buying the real deal! Together we will make it!
Truly yours, Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret – an art dealer you can trust
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Today we cracked the 10’000 Euro mark. I am thrilled! Thank you so much for your support and your pre-order of my real Hirsts.
Now it’s my turn and I warmly welcome you to my showroom during Art Basel and have a beer with me! I’m selling my action-figure-size and real-size Hirsts opposite Liste at Burgweg 8 until Sunday.
Please spread the word BECAUSE I can only produce my Hirsts if we sell enough until July 7. You can help me by sharing my campaign link and my posts on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #damienhirstforsale – and of course word-of-mouth is just as important!
Truly yours, Jeremie Jean-Ferdinand Maret – an art dealer you can trust!