We are Sara and Lukas, a naturopath and a cultural manager, and we share a great vision and a desire to create a sustainable environment. Together we have been working on the project ENCOURAGE for over a year. It is our belief that we as humans feel most comfortable when we are in harmony with ourselves and with nature and when we can contribute to a better quality of life. For this reason it is our goal to build a center in Basel, which combines health care with environmental awareness and redefines the holistic approach of man and nature. With your help and support we want to build ENCOURAGE in the heart of Basel. An self-sufficient, possibly CO2 emission-free center which will symbolize that the future starts today and that we can achieve this together with you as part of our community – together ENCOURAGE !
The ins and outs of our project
Our indoor services will include yoga classes, massage therapy, TCM and life-coaching combined with evening discussion forums on topics such as ecology sufficiency, environment and nutrition for urbanites. ENCOURAGE will become a place where people meet, recharge, feel at ease with themselves and sip smoothies.
Once you step outside of our center, having enjoyed the variety of our indoor services, you will find a beautiful and vibrant permaculture garden that will brighten the city centre. Delicious vegetables thrive alongside juicy fruits. School classes can come to visit and make use of the workshops that raise awareness of the cycles and needs of nature. Urban gardeners plough their beds while others break a sweat on our Outdoor-Fitness-Station.
ENCOURAGE will consist of six used ship containers. We chose these containers as our building material not because we think these colorful metal containers are hip, but because we are interested in upcycling and want to recycle high quality and already existent building materials. With your help we will attach the newest generation of solar cells, that were produced in Switzerland, on to the roofs of our containers. These solar cells will provide us with sufficient energy to power our six containers and will even produce enough power for the heating elements in the winter season.We will also install a Powerwall from Tesla that will function as an energy storage which can be used on grey and rainy days.
Meret and the time to start digging
For a long time we hoped to get the central location at Meret-Oppenheim-Strasse, right at the Gundeli-Passerellenexit. When the SBB as owners of the property issued us the go ahead we were overjoyed. At present, the sunny plot of land is overgrown with invasive plant species and other neophytes and is looking forward to our project. We plan for the project ENCOURAGE to grow out of the soil and begin to bloom during the first half of the year 2017. Provided we reach our financing goal together with you and many other energetic supporters.
Liquid becomes solid
We need your support!
ENCOURANGE will be able to celebrate its opening in spring 2017 assuming we reach our financing goal thanks to you and many other supporters.

Your support is of utmost importance
Become a sponsor for a solar cell, help us grow our permaculture garden or enable us to ensure the funding for triple-glazed windows. Support us and you can choose from several rewards such as a yoga or a music session in the good knowledge that without you this oasis would not have been able to come into being. No matter what reward you choose, it will bear tasty fruits in our local permaculture garden. Give what you want and take what suits you.