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3projects ending soon in music

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Kultur im Container no.4 !!

Exhibition, Music, and Festival


Kultur im Container no.4 !!

by Kollektiv Kultur im Container

Kultur im Container is a cultural project offering young and/or inexperienced artists a platform to present their creations to the public.

91 %
CHF 2’297
5 days to go
Bob Spring & Ken Coomer

Music and Art

Nashville and Zürich

I have the chance to record my next album in Nashville, Tennessee. Ken Coomer (Wilco, Lucinda Williams, etc.), will support and produce me. Production starts on May 1.

105 %
CHF 12’655
5 hours to go

Design, Music, and Art



by Marcel Munz

MUTREA «Music-Transcends-Art»: Unterstütze mich dabei meine Visionen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Komme mit auf ein Abenteuer voller Erlebnisse und lass uns zusammen Grosses erreichen.