Korallenriffe retten. Jetzt!

von Ulrike Pfreundt und Marie Griesmar


Unsere Korallenriffe sterben in rasantem Tempo. Und mit ihnen 25% aller Tierarten im Meer. Wir bauen Korallenriffe wieder auf – mit einem aussergewöhnlichen, skalierbaren 3D-gedruckten Riffsystem.

CHF 70’184

116% von CHF 60’000

116 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

453 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 18.12.2020

The foundations are laid!Von Ulrike Pfreundt, am 12.02.2021

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Coral under UV light. Credit: RAMONA OSCHE / coral reef image bank
Coral under UV light. Credit: RAMONA OSCHE / coral reef image bank

Still overwhelmed by the successful crowdfunding, we report back in the new year. A huge thank you at this point to everyone who has actively supported us, and we hope you all got your rewards! Postcard rewards will be sent from Colombia, the Wall of Fame will appear on our website soon, and the ocean lovers dinner in Zürich is obviously dependent on Covid measures. We will keep you informed and can’t wait!

Encouraged by your broad support, we deepened and refined our planning in January with a lot of verve and our vision in focus, and are more than ready to take off.

Since the 20th of January, we have been busy printing bricks, 22 so far. We are making sure to print a variety of different structures so that we can later analyse the structural preferences of various coral larvae species and see which features boost biodiversity most strongly.

If you have not seen it, our work was covered by SRF Tagesschau in their series «Women 2021», which marked the 50th anniversary of national voting rights for women. They portrayed five women who have big plans and visions for 2021. Ulrike was one of them! Check out the TV feature here: https://bit.ly/35hJrrU

And the newspaper Le Temps has also dedicated an article to us in the report «Raisons d’espérer» - which featured Marie as a «reason to hope». What an honour! The article is here: https://bit.ly/2NlYOcu

Finally, we noticed that we can reach many of you only with WEMAKEIT News. We will keep posting updates here, of course, but we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter (on rrreefs.com), and join our Instagram or Facebook accounts @rrreefs.

More exciting news very soon!

Warm greetings from Zürich, the rrreefs team

A huge Thank You and an updateVon Ulrike Pfreundt, am 21.12.2020

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Wir haben es geschafft! Wow. 452 wunderbare Menschen haben rrreefs mit über 70’000 CHF unterstützt! Wir sind euch allen unglaublich dankbar. Ihr seid jetzt ein fester Bestandteil der rrreefs-Community und wir können es kaum erwarten, die Ereignisse des nächsten Jahres mit euch zu teilen.

Im Januar beginnen wir mit der detaillierten Planung des Riff-Bau-Workshops - zusammen mit Corales de Paz. Diverse Meetings für neue Kooperationen und sogar mögliche langfristige Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten sind auch schon gebucht. Im Februar können wir hoffentlich auf den Malediven die endgültigen Analysen unserer Strukturtests durchführen. Welche Struktur führt zur höchsten Artenvielfalt von Kleintieren? Weiter geht das Jahr mit dem 3D-Drucken vieler neuer Riffbausteine, dem Strukturieren von rrreefs als Organisation, und der Betreuung von Studenten, die bereits unser Pilot-Riff 2.0 entwickeln werden. Und im September werden wir dann endlich unser Pilot-Riff 1.0 in San Andrés bauen - natürlich das aufregendste Ereignis des Jahres. September / Oktober ist dort Laichzeit für Korallen, und wir können es kaum erwarten, die erstem Babykorallen auf dem neuen rrreef zu finden, das ihr alle zusammen ermöglicht habt.

Wir wünschen euch allen frohe Festtage! Ihr werdet im neuen Jahr wieder von uns hören, wir brauchen jetzt mal etwas Zeit «fast» offline. :)

Herzliche Grüsse, Ulrike und Marie

**** WE ARE SUPER HAPPY! *** THANK YOU ALL! ***Von Ulrike Pfreundt, am 16.12.2020

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Here is a nice article about rrreefs that just came out in the ETH Globe magazine, which may help convince people: https://ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2020/12/save-the-reef.html

Special invitation for Friday December 18thVon Ulrike Pfreundt, am 15.12.2020

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We first prototyped, then built our rrreef brick christmas tree at our dear friends’ coworking space VN residency. And we built it for you!

If you are in or around Zürich, we invite you to meet us OUTSIDE on VN Residency’s terrace for a corona-safe, brief end-of-crowdfunding drink! Come and say hello, pick up your crowdfunding rewards to save packaging and mail, check out your adopted brick on the tree, and have a prosecco with us at a distance (and behind your mask!).

For us all to stay safe, please tell us until Wednesday night (tomorrow) if you want to come. We will limit the amount of people to 10 at a time, which means it will be a short visit, masks mandatory.

Nevertheless, we hope to see you there!

Where VN Residency, Lessingstrasse 15, 8002 Zürich When Friday, 5-7 pm

Please tell us here, if you are coming:

We need your help!Von Ulrike Pfreundt, am 05.12.2020

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With the amazing team of MaRHE Center and Corales de Paz in the Maldives, where our structure tests are waiting for Corona to end. 2019.
With the amazing team of MaRHE Center and Corales de Paz in the Maldives, where our structure tests are waiting for Corona to end. 2019.

ar supporters, friends, fellow ocean lovers.

Thank you so much for already being a part of the rrreefs community. We are in the third week of the campaign now and WE NEED YOU to share this campaign around as much as you can.

Christmas is around the corner. There are probably more people out there that would love to dedicate a rrreef brick, soon full of life, to a beloved person.

Let’s make this a success, let’s build that reef and help the ocean with the combined strength of this community!

So please, SHARE our WeMakeIt page (in your favorite language) on your favorite social networks, on your email newsletter, whatsapp groups, or just tell your parents about it. :) The easiest way is to just click the buttons beneath our video on the main page, add a personal sentence, and voila!

Thanks a lot! Danke vielmals! Muchas gracias! Merci beaucoup! Grazie mille!

Ulrike and Marie

Reef-building Workshop - new dates!Von Ulrike Pfreundt, am 02.12.2020

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We just spoke to Corales de Paz - our partners in Colombia. The Colombian islands of Providencia and San Andrés were both hit by the recent hurricanes. People on Providencia Island, and the coral reefs around the island suffered a lot - they lost everything. But also the west side of San Andrés Island experienced a lot of destruction both above and below water. Some reefs are not recognizable, and important dive sites - a pillar of the island’s tourism - were destroyed.

The building of our pilot reef will be embedded in the local efforts to recreate both reef life and meaningful diving activities! We are so happy that we can support the people of San Andrés Island like this.

Our reef-building workshop will happen IN SEPTEMBER 2021 on San Andrés Island, Colombia, and run for 10 days! The weather and conditions will be good at this time. With our reef, we will create new habitat for reef life, and an attractive spot for ecotourism, helping to re-establish a part of the local economy.

Stay tuned for exact dates, but book the workshop NOW if September works for you. And share this with your friends that might be interested.

Warm regards, Ulrike and Marie.

Now Spanish subtitles available!Von Marie Griesmar, am 30.11.2020

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ar Ocean lovers,

We’ve noticed that a lot of our participants and supporters speak Spanish. We therefore have just made Spanish subtitles! You can now share with more people around you, and help our mission succeed. You may also find French and German subtitles, and for hearing impaired people, we have English subtitles as well.

¡Muchas gracias a tod@s !

Dive deeper into the scienceVon Ulrike Pfreundt, am 24.11.2020

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Wow, we are so grateful for your incredible support, everyone! It is looking really good for our pilot reef and that gives us lots of energy. Thank you so much.

In the meantime, if you want to dive a bit deeper into the science, check out this talk by our co-founder Ulrike. She was invited to speak at World.Minds Zürich last year in December. What an honor!

Since the talk, Ulrike has left ETH Zürich to pour 100 % of her time into rrreefs and make this project come to life, but we are of course still collaborating with ETH Zürich for our research!

With warm regards from Zürich, Marie and Ulrike