Unravel the enigmatic world of wild moose with me and contribute to wildlife preservation by helping me to uncover their secrets in Alaska during my master's thesis!

CHF 10’017

200% of CHF 5’000

200 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

33 backers

Successfully concluded on 8/7/2023

My research project

Hello, I’m Marine! Master student in Biology in the University of Neuchâtel, in Switzerland, I’m leaving in a few months for Alaska (USA). During six months, I will study the behavior of moose in their natural habitat. Up to this day, very few studies exist on the subject, and a lot of things need to be sorted out to better understand these animals and how they interact with their environment.

With my binoculars and my notebook, I will go on the field to observe moose, in a non-intrusive way. It will allow me to collect data about their eating habits, their movements, their habitat use and any other useful information. I will follow them during a few hours, multiple times a week, around Fairbanks. That way, I will be able to collect brand new data! After the fieldwork, I will come back to Neuchâtel to write my thesis and a scientific paper, which will contribute to the field of behavioral ecology!

  • Babies are born in the spring.
    Babies are born in the spring.
  • Mothers raise their babies alone.
    Mothers raise their babies alone.
  • Moose can measure up to 2.1 meters at the withers.
    Moose can measure up to 2.1 meters at the withers.
  • Only males grow antlers, which they loose after the breeding period.
    Only males grow antlers, which they loose after the breeding period.

Why it is important

My project is important because it is directly linked to the principle of intensive management of wildlife. This strategy, currently used in Alaska, aims to maintain moose population above its natural level, which leads to overpopulation. The goal is to keep as much wild game as possible for humans, who kill thousands moose every year, for meat and trophies.

This objective is reached by two means. The first one is to burn entire forest sections to favor habitats preferred by moose. As you can guess, it impacts negatively the biodiversity, without mentioning all the animals burnt alive in the process.

The second mean is to persecute the predators of moose, which are wolves and bears. For that, scandalous methods are used, such as shooting wolves from helicopter or gazing bear cubs in their den. This principle is also applied in some natural reserves, and non-professional hunters are encouraged to take part in this death campaign.

Beside undeniable ethical problems, intensive management causes a lot of issues to the entire ecosystem. Indeed, the overpopulation of moose causes an imbalance in the environment, which lacks resources to sustain such high number of herbivores. Hence, trees cannot grow correctly anymore, which interfere with CO2 storage and forest renewal. Furthermore, a lot of other animals suffer from it, such as birds which cannot find nesting sites anymore. Indeed, predators play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems!

The data I will collect will show the impact of intensive management on moose behavior, hence providing additional arguments against this strategy, debated for years.

As you understood, Alaska is endangered. But, even though my study will take place in Fairbanks, where the situation is particularly critical, my data will be useful elsewhere as well. Indeed, the same issue exists in other regions, where large predators are in small numbers or absent.

Nowadays, in a context of ecological and climatic crisis, we cannot afford to continue on this path. If you want to contribute in protecting wildlife and ecosystems, support my project!

  • Predators are important for regulating the populations of their preys.
    Predators are important for regulating the populations of their preys.
  • Wolves are social animals, suffering of the loss of a member of their pack.
    Wolves are social animals, suffering of the loss of a member of their pack.
  • The hunting methods leave no chances to animals.
    The hunting methods leave no chances to animals.
  • The survival of bear cubs depends on their mother until two years old.
    The survival of bear cubs depends on their mother until two years old.
  • The howl of wolves has a range of several kilometers, and is used to communicate.
    The howl of wolves has a range of several kilometers, and is used to communicate.

This is what I need backing for

Your financial support will allow me to buy the field material I will use for my study. For instance, I will need a camera with an additional battery to film my observations and showing them to other scientists, in order to avoid interpretation biases. Also, to keep a respectful distance from moose, I will observe them with binoculars. Then, I will need a GPS device, to note the precise locations of each observation. Finally, I will need efficient equipment to face the -30ºC of Alaskan winter, during the long hours I will spend in the forest! As the material quality depends on its price, your additional support will finance better devices, increasing the quality of my observations!

As my project won’t produce anything else than scientific data (and a lot of happiness!), I won’t be able to offer you any material gift, in case you decide to contribute to my project. However, I will make an Instagram account, where I will publish my daily life as a biologist, and the advancement of my master thesis! If you support is more than generous, I will share your name on my account, with super cool personalized pictures. Of course, you also will gain my eternal gratitude as well as good points for your karma!

Whether you decide to participate in the funding of a notebook or the camera I will use for the data collection, nature and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!


  • A camera is necessary to guarantee objectivity during observations.
    A camera is necessary to guarantee objectivity during observations.
  • In respect of the animal, I will stay at a good distance from the moose, so I will need binoculars.
    In respect of the animal, I will stay at a good distance from the moose, so I will need binoculars.
  • To collect my data, I will spend long hours in the cold, so I will need good equipment!
    To collect my data, I will spend long hours in the cold, so I will need good equipment!