Open Soil Research: Forschung über die geheimen Zutaten, die Pflanzen glücklich machen. Lasst uns entdecken, was sich im Boden unter unseren Füßen abspielt. Dein Beitrag für eine nachhaltige Zukunft!

EUR 20’252

225% von EUR 9’000

225 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

62 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 8.4.2018

Join the Soil Assembly #2 Tinku Uku PachaVon Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 08.03.2025

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Dear supporter of HUMUS sapiens,

we have great news: The HUMUS sapiens network is joining forces with the Soil Assembly network. With a team of international collaborators, we have recently launched a crowdfunding campaign to support the Soil Assembly #2 Tinku Uku Pacha! It will be held from May 8 to 11, 2025 in La Chimba, Ecuador. Let us hear the voices of indigenous resistance, rural economies, artist and scientists. Let’s gather as planetary peasants of the Earth!

Support at

More info at

We are looking forward to seeing you at the assembly! Even if you are far away, all will be streamed and there will be ample possibilities to participate online.

HUMUS sapiens retreat 2019Von Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 23.08.2019

Update lesen (photo by Katja Goljat) (photo by Katja Goljat)

Hello dear soil enthusiasts,

there will be a HUMUS sapiens retreat in 2019 - hopefully funded by another Crowdfunding campaign:

With your help, we will meet from 25.10. - 27.10.2019 at Project draussen near Munich, Germany, to share everything we have learned from 18 months of HUMUS sapiens.

It would be great to have YOU on board!! :)

WOW!! We made it: 113%!! Thanks!!Von Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 10.04.2018

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Thanks to all our supporters and friends who helped spreading the word. More information: Discuss with us:

If you supported the project, you will soon receive an e-mail with further information and some questions (shirt size, etc). Thanks again and enjoy the spring awakening – maybe while working in your garden?!? ;)

RandeLab Soil Retreat is sold-out!! Von Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 05.04.2018

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There are no more places left for the Hackteria/RandeLab Soil Retreat. We are about 20 people and it will already be cozy in the little hut. Let’s hope for good weather!!

Join us for the «mikroBIOMIK workshop weekend» from 20.-22.07.18 near Munich. More information:

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  • Spring is coming!
    Spring is coming!
  • Preparing the forest sleeping area :-)
    Preparing the forest sleeping area :-)
  • New beds in-da-hooouuuse!
    New beds in-da-hooouuuse!
  • The Do-Nothing-Garden is waiting to for us
    The Do-Nothing-Garden is waiting to for us
  • ANYMA in Fribourg for Post-Retreat geeking
    ANYMA in Fribourg for Post-Retreat geeking

One more month and the first event in this series of Open Soil Research is happening! Many people already got into contact with us directly and reserved their participation. Only a few slots are still available.

During the last weeks and until May, we will already prepare the land and the house to host you all. We are already starting with some prototypes for DIY soil analysis and documenting our projects on the Hackteria Wiki.

If you want to find out more about the Retreat in May, follow the description on the wiki here:

ANNOUNCEMENT: Right after the Retreat near Schaffhausen, there is the yearly gathering and research week @ ANYMA 7-14. May, Fribourg, and everybody is welcome to join for some further technical developments of the ideas sprouting in the forest. ANYMA is an amazing studio/workshop for electronics prototyping, digital- and analog manufacturing and warm people for evenings of great dinners and discussions.

JOIN the Hackteria-Forum!!Von Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 27.03.2018

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For Discussions around soil-ecology and DIY-methods, please join the Hackteria-forum:

Citation from one of the discussions: «Building a soil respiration (CO2 flux) chamber indeed is in principle simple. There are some basic principles that should be followed in order to get scientific results, though.» (Janne Korhonen aka Pannu)

We are featured in «we fancy»Von Julian Chollet (mikroBIOMIK), am 22.03.2018

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Many thanks to the wemakeit team, to our backers and all the lovely people who help us spreading the word. We consider this a good occasion to give out some T-Shirts as a «special reward» for 25€.