Impact Fund 2020: An extra boost for climate projects
The climate affects all of us. After many words and countless debates, what we need above all now is concrete action. A large survey we did last autumn revealed to us that the wemakeit community wants just that. We took this message to heart and as a consequence are now launching the Impact Fund 2020. What this is is a wemakeit community support pot, which is exclusively reserved for climate projects at wemakeit. This helps us provide the necessary support to as many good project ideas as possible so these can become a reality.
wemakeit has already funded hundreds of sustainability projects. Now we wish to take things a step further and especially help larger projects that are bound to have a strong impact come to life.
The Impact Fund helps us support projects that don’t necessarily create added value financially but rather increase attention about the environment. These are projects that don’t necessarily grow capital, but «plants». And projects that aren’t just there to support shareholders, but rather countless people around the world. All of this, of course, isn’t possible without money. As the largest Swiss crowdfunding platform, we know this. Trust us! We now wish to use our know-how and the power of our community to promote really big, important projects.

Together we can do more for our climate
Our experience has shown us that it’s typically the larger projects that have a harder time making it, no matter how useful they seem. This is especially the case, if they strive for high target totals of 50,000 Swiss francs or more. But these are often the projects that have the biggest impact. This is where the Impact Fund comes into play.
The wemakeit community Impact Fund 2020 is a big support pot with a clear goal: Our climate. This means your contribution to the Impact Fund supports the climate issue as a whole and not just a single project. A big advantage of the Impact Fund is that strong, larger ideas can be brought to life. The most important criterion is that the projects help stop climate change. Each and every one of us is needed and anyone can join in!
A scientific panel will ensure that the projects are sustainable, relevant and implementable. The panel already consists of the following members:
- Marie-Claire Graf (Vice president «Swiss Youth for Climate», climate competence)
- Luc Henry (molecular biologist, president of «Verein Science Booster» (scientific competence))
- Céline Fallet (president of «Verein Impact2020» (crowd competence))
- Nicola Forster (Green Liberal Party Co-President)
- Ottavio Scatà (Corporate Partnerships Manager at myclimate / compétence climatique)
How the Impact Fund works: Impact Fund 2020 supports sustainable projects that help combat global warming. The association «Impact 2020» was especially established to review and evaluate all climate projects at wemakeit. It then supports important and ambitious projects with half of the target sum. The most important criteria for selection are the contribution to our climate and the size of the project. This means the nature of the project and the sector it belongs to don’t matter. Consequently, conventional technology projects, as well as music, social or art projects that are dedicated to the topic of climate and sustainability are all considered.
To prove we care about the climate as much as you do, we’ll waive our usual commission whilst boosting these projects. Furthermore, our team of consultants will help prepare the projects.
What price tag would you put on our climate?
This is why we think YOU should join:
- You don’t have to spend time researching a range of different projects to help you decide which one to support
- With your one-time contribution, you’ll support several different projects that meet the Impact Fund criteria
- You can rest assured that your contribution will benefit the most meaningful and sensible projects
It’s no secret: The clock is ticking. The time to take concrete steps to protect the climate is becoming ever more pressing. It’s up to each of us to take responsibility and to act swiftly. You could do this by making a contribution to the Impact Fund 2020. A contribution that will likely be tax-deductible.* This is bound to put us in a very generous mood, right? Either way, the bottom line remains the same: the sooner we reach (or even exceed) the target for Impact Fund 2020, the sooner and more effectively we’ll be able to support and realize projects to help our climate. Really, that should be worth a lot of money!
Be part of the little green revolution happening in the wemakeit community now!
Do you already have an idea for a project? We’re curious, but kindly request you to have a little more patience. We’ll publish a specific call for projects here, in the first quarter of 2020.
*A tax exemption has been requested for Impact2020.