Coming together to make climate solutions possible
It’s that time of year again: we’re launching the Impact Fund 2022! With your help, we’d like to raise 250,000 Swiss francs for the climate again. After two successful first rounds, we feel it’s more important than ever to «keep at it!». We know: the climate is changing fast and the next years are crucial. That’s why the climate needs our continued support. Let’s make 2022 another year in which we support projects that help the climate. Can we count on you?
The climate crisis is complex and is becoming more urgent with every year. Extreme weather events and sobering political results highlighted this in 2021. This calls for a wide range of solutions, as well as perseverance. A change in thinking can only be brought about if we make long-term commitments that support the climate. This is why the Impact Fund is starting round three.
With the support of the wemakeit community (that means you!) we managed to raise over 813,000 Swiss francs in the first two rounds of the Impact Fund. This helped us support 31 climate projects. That’s 31 different solutions to help the climate. We’d like to continue this together: Do you think we can reach our goal of 250,000 francs to support 10 climate projects again in 2022?

The Impact Fund and you
Your contribution, as well as others, are collected in a funding pot that is exclusively reserved for climate projects at wemakeit. The Impact Fund’s expert jury compiles a shortlist from all the projects submitted, upon which you are asked to vote for your favourites.
These are the members of our expert jury:
- Céline Fallet, Managing Director wemakeit
- Laurène Descamps, Head of Climate Action & Circular Economy, Impact Hub Zurich
- Marian Krüger, Decarbonization Lead ETH sus.lab
- Marie-Claire Graf, Catalyst at collaboratio helvetica
- Nathalie Moral, Impact Investing, directrice Clima Now
- Ottavio Scata, Corporate Partnerships Manager myclimate
Please show your support for the climate and back the Impact Fund 2022! You’ll not only be able to vote for your climate favorite, you’ll also be able to secure one of our rewards: receive our film and reading tips on the topic of climate, exchange ideas about our commitment to the environment with our CEO Céline Fallet, or become an Impact Fund godparent.
How the Impact Fund works
If we manage to reach our target amount, 2022’s funding pot will be full again. This means we’ll be able to support a minimum of 10 projects with 25,000 Swiss francs each. For the selection of the projects, we announce a project competition (Call for Projects).
Selected projects start their crowdfunding campaigns on wemakeit. If they manage to reach their target amount of at least 25,000 Swiss francs with the help of at least 200 backers, they receive an additional 25,000 Swiss francs from the Impact Fund. To show that we care about the climate at least as much as you do, our advisors support projects free of charge during preparation.
Projects counteracting climate change with proven or innovative ideas can participate from a wide range of disciplines and world regions. Sign up here if you have a project idea and would like to receive updates.
By the way: we are happy to have the Collaboratio Helvetica initiative as a network partner this year. The selected projects can consequently make use of a large network and a great deal of expertise in the form of capacity building workshops and the «Explorer» annual membership. Additionally, three selected projects will receive coaching in the areas of SDGs, Systems Change or Theory of Change.
So far the Impact Fund has been able to support 31 great ideas for the climate, such as:
- making arable land more fertile in the Lake Constance region (2.5 million square meters!) to help bind CO2;
- starting an experiential educational program for climate protection at eight Swiss schools to sustainably anchor climate protection in everyday school life, long-term;
- launching an A to Z encyclopaedia outlining clear tips for climate-friendly building and planning.
These are just a few examples and we’re already excited to see which climate solutions we can launch together in 2022.
To help make all this a reality, we first need to reach our target amount of 250,000 Swiss francs. Please back the Impact Fund and support our continued commitment to the climate!
PS: For this campaign, we waive our usual commission.