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ar friends and backers, we are very happy and proud to come to the end of this campaing with the great news that the Album «Jatobá Big Band» will be released in all online outlets (I tunes, Amazon, Streaming plattforms, etc) soon! The process should happen within 6 weeks. As promissed, before that all our backers should receive their goodies. We already sent all phisical copies, tea packages and so on. We will be sending this week the album to those of you who ordered the Audio Files and Digital Goodies. If by the end of January you have still not received your Goodie please contact us via Facebook (Jatoba Big Band Page). Thanks a lot again for being with us in this project! All the best, Marco Antonio da Costa
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Jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril L.) tea - fine bark: 1 teaspoon oft he Jatobá fine bark to 200 Mililiters of boiling water, 2-3 cups a day. Use it ideally before Dez 2018
Jatobá (Hymenaea coubaril L.) tea - rough pieces of bark: 2 Table Spoons of the Jatobá Barks (or 2 or 3 Barks) to 1 Liter of Water 2-3 cups a day Use it ideally before Dez 2018
Thanks and see you soon!
Marco Antonio da Costa and Jatobá Team
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Jatobá Big Band Diploma concert: Friday, July 6th Location: Wisst Moxx Café - Moserhofgasse 34, 8010 Graz Time: 21:00 Please follow our sites to stay updated about the exact time.
Line Up «Jatobá Big Band» Reeds (Woodwinds): Joander Cruz - Lead Reed, Thomas Fröschl - Reed 2, Anna Tsombanis - Reed 3, Csoban Szendrödy - Reed 4, Nikolaus Holler - Reed 5. Trombones: Daniel Holzleitner - Lead Trombone, Simon Kintopp - Trombone 2, Markus Fasching - Trombone 3, Adam Ladany - Bass Trombone. Trumpets: Markus Pechmann - Lead Trumpet, Kaya Meller - Trumpet 2, Vasilis Nalbantins - Trumpet 3, Werner Hansmann - Trumpet 4 Rhythm Section: Matheus Jardim - Drums, Luis André Carneiro de Oliveira - Percussion, Robin Gardemeier - Bass, Fagner Wesley - Piano, Daniel Mesquita - Guitar Special Guest: Daniela Procopio - Vocals Conducted, Arranged and Composed by Marco Antonio da Costa
Free entrance
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ar Jatobá Big Band Friends and Backers:
We are proud to announce that our Album has been finally ordered! :)) Now it is between the Czech CD print company «Fermata» and our Graphic designer, Andreas Ischka, to finish the details and deliver the album «Jatobá Big Band: That is awesome! The product should be in our hands in about 3 weeks and then it can be delivered to you!
We must apologize that it took more time than we expected to finish the project. We had a lot of set backs and unexpected problems to overcome such as copyrights issues, album cover finalization (we were very careful with the design, english proof reading and so on) , accounting work for the 3 grants that we got and unexpected extra costs to cover.
Besides these issues we got also good news such as 3 nice album references of 2 top Austrian horn Players (Gerald Preinfalk and Karlheinz Miklin) and from my mentor and and Grammy Award winner Michael Abene. Besides that, also good news: i wrote and delivered a Master thesis with the theme: «Jatobá Big Band» for the closing of my Master Studies in «Jazz Conducting», which i am attending at the University of Music and Dramatic Arts Graz. This thesis will be a great resource for any Bandleader who wishes to play the music we created. We hope that this music travels the globe!
You, as backers of our crowdfunding campaign, will get this music and the CDs before the official RELEASE - before the music will be available at I-Tunes, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon and all the plattforms. According to our Label, (Unit Records) this RELEASE can only be done up to 8 weeks after they get the Printed version in their hand, so we calculate in total, about 11, 12 weeks. Now we are also looking for the venues and partners to play a release concerts starting this Autumn, if you know someone or having any idea about the subject of CD Release Concert, please let us know.
A lot of backers are already asking me for the Album «Jatobá Big Band». With this message i hope you have a clue of the huge amount of things that happened in the last months in order for this project to be completed and i may say it: the countdown is near!!! :D you may start to look forward to the product, outcome of the effort of all of us. We have already played some more of the crowdfunding promised «living room concerts», and some more goodies have been already payed off. NONE of the goodies which has to do with the CD, MP3 and Note Material were yet payed off. For that we need to complete the project. But all the goodies will be payed off, soon enough.
We are very, very grateful of your help backing this project!
Again, Thank you for your patience!
Marco Antonio da Costa
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ar Jatobá Big Band Friends and Backers:
We are very happy to announce that the first goodies from our campaign are being already given/payed! :D
Little bit more than 1 week ago Marco Antonio da Costa played the first «Goodie - Living Room Concert» - for one of the supporters of our campaign. Now we are working relentlessly to make the album ready to be released as soon as possible! Our album-cover»is almost ready and so is all the copyrights-arrangements. We set up a deal with the jazz label from Switzerland - Unit Records and we have already 1 date in schedule for the release concert - will be announced soon.
You, who supported our - We Make It campaign, can get in touch with us anytime you want - via We Make it, Facebook or Instagram - to arrange when and how the specific Goodies will be given to you (Lessons, Workshops, Private Dinner with music, Living Room Concert or Trio Concert). The «Signed albums/Mp3 Goodies/Album with Scores» need still time to be given away because the publishing/copyrights part takes a little bit of time to be completed.
We wish we could give you an exact estimate about when the printed version of Marco Antonio da Costa´s «Jatobá Big Band» album will be in your hands but better let you know that estimate when the album finally be sent to print. We are working in order for it to be sent on January 2018.
Please contact us for any question or wait for our updates very soon.
Thank you very much! Muito Obrigado! Merci Beacoup! Danke Schön! We wish you a beautiful end of the year 2017 and Happy Holidays (Christmass, New Year)!
Marco and Jatobá Big Band Team
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We made it! Conseguimos! Wir haben es geschafft! Nous l’avons créé!
Incredible! Yuuhuuuuu! Yes!
With your support we will be able to realize this project, Jatobá Big Band team wants to say: Thank you very much! While today it is a day to celebrate, we don´t want to loose time and tomorrow we will continue to work to make this project reach it´s completion.
The next steps are: making the graphic design of the album-cover ready, all the necessary publishing details, copyrights contracts, label contracts and, finally, send it to print! After we have the product on our hands, you, our backers, will be the first people to get their hands/ears/eyes into the album «Jatobá Big Band».
Note from Marco Antonio da Costa:
This is the most challenging project that i ever managed! I can´t wait to see the results of such a dedicated work. We are not yet 100% ready but, to get this far, would not have been possible without the support of:
- my family, from Brazil, Peru, France and Austria (yes i have a big family spread around the world), especially my parents with their precious support.
- The musicians of Jatobá Big Band, their great team work and musicianship.
- The recording crew.
- The filming crew.
- The team which worked with me closely at the organization level (hard working!): Rosa, Nik, Andi, Elisabeth, Henrique, Babi.
- The french/english translation crew: Fefi, Cinara, Rob
- The institutions that financed a part of the Project: Land Steiermark, SKE Fonds, ÖH Kunstuni Graz, Kunstuniversität Graz.
- «We Make It» for their very professional platform.
- All the friends/backers of this project through this campaign: YOU!
I am so happy that my dream will soon come true: to have my own compositions and arrangements published in a beautiful way, played by a great band. For now I will leave you with my best regards, and say to you that you may still follow every step of the completion of this project via my website (www.dacostamusic.com), the Jatobá Big Band Facebook page and Instagram. All feedback/ideas along the way are welcome.
Thanks again,
Marco Antonio da Costa
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ar friends and backers, we are approaching the end of our campaign with a very positive outcome!
We had a great news from an Austrian supporting organization called «SKE Fonds» wich will support us! And we are extremely grateful for the overwhelming surprise of all your support! With your help, we reached 80% of our Goal. We are still struggling to get the 100% and this within 5 days!
So, today we decided to add new special rewards for the final round! Now it is the time to click the share button again, we are counting on you!
You can share this post and this link or you can share our facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/jatobabigband/
or our Instagram: @jatobabigband
The campaing is still on its Last Round! Muito obrigado/Thank you very much/Merci Beacoup/Dankeschön
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Thank you, Merci, Obrigado, Danke!
Dear friends and backers, we are extremely grateful for your support, with your help, we reached today the mark of a little bit more than 1/3 of our goal! Wow, i have to be honest, i feel a little bit relieved, because i can allow myself to have this important feeling: gratitude! The feeling that states that our last months of hard work will be compensated when this beautiful project will be finally realized and the album «Jatobá Big Band», released…
There is still a lot of work to be done from our side and we are 100% involved in this campaign to bring the word to the biggest number possible of people who may share/support our vision: the show must continue!
We have been very often present at our facebook site, i totally encourage you to follow this page and get acess to new videos and more updates at: https://www.facebook.com/jatobabigband/
The campaing is still on! Muito obrigado/Thank you very much/Merci Beacoup/Dankeschön for the following persons:
- mvasquez
- Paul-Jürgen Wagner
- robbargad
- Cibele Morais
- Rosa St
- Hanne Lore
- Ines Kolleritsch
- S.Q.
- Dagmar Siebert
- stanley27
- Jonny Kölbl
- Peter Stodulka
- Katarina
- George & France
- Beebop
- Brunel
- tscheikob
- Thomas
- Mario Antonio
- Maria Silvia de Oliveira
- 3 Anonymous persons
More updates coming soon! :)