I remember the first night I ever listened to Yevila’s voice and I was mesmerized. One of the most cozy and lovely concerts I’ve attended in my life. These guys are truly awesome and I’m deeply honored to have met them while living in Vienna and got to listen live to Yevila’s heart warming voice.
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Liebe Grüße von Antonija & Kiki!
Antonija+Kiki on 8/12/2020 23:14
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love what you do! <3
vera on 3/12/2020 18:39
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Weils mir gefällt!
Da Professa on 3/12/2020 15:10
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In Zeiten, wo Kultur stillsteht, möchte ich ein Zeichen setzen und Kultur ermöglichen!
Paul Ellm on 3/12/2020 08:53
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I remember the first night I ever listened to Yevila’s voice and I was mesmerized. One of the most cozy and lovely concerts I’ve attended in my life. These guys are truly awesome and I’m deeply honored to have met them while living in Vienna and got to listen live to Yevila’s heart warming voice.
Aniri on 2/12/2020 20:19
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KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT! (and thank u for sharing it with the world xx) - all the support & love right now is so very well deserved! <3
verena on 27/11/2020 23:21
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So close to the finish line! Wish you all the luck and can't wait to listen your album 🎊🎊🎊
Dina on 24/11/2020 14:17
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Yelvilaa Bodomo has an incredible voice, and I want to do my part to amplify it.
momolamo on 23/11/2020 21:27
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