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Good evening!
If you live in Basel and picked the Kombucha Abo, please check your mailbox and make sure you put the Kombucha in your fridge!
Thank you and have a nice evening
Wenn du in Basel wohnst und ein Kombucha Abo gewählt hast, dann schau bitte in deinem Briefkasten nach und lagere den Kombucha im Kühlschrank auf!
Vielen Dank und liebe Grüsse
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Just a quick reminder that we start delivering the monthly abos next week!
Eine kurze Anmerkung zu den Kombuchalieferungen. Wir beginnen mit der Lieferung der Monatsabos nächste Woche.
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Hello everyone! If you live in Basel and have chosen the 6 pack, please check your mailbox! Let me know if you didnt get it!
Wenn du in Basel wohnst, und ein 6 pack gewählt hast, sollte es in deinem Briefkasten sein. Lasst mich wissen, falls es nicht geklappt hat!
Liebe Grüsse Simon
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Hi everyone! It’s been a few weeks, so here is a quick update. We are starting to send out all the goodies now. Kombucha is going out on Monday. Trucker hats should be here in a few days and t shirts will be here by the end of the month.
Have a nice weekend
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We made it! Thank you for supporting us in so many ways. We can’t wait to get to work now and upscale our production. We will reach out to you in the next few days to make sure you get your prices as soon as possible!
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Wir sind auf der Zielgeraden!! Schaffen wir heute die 20 000 er Marke?! Viele Dank für eure Unterstützung, wir schaffen das
We are so close to the finish line! Are we going to hit the 20K today?! Thank you so much for your support, we can do this
Simon, Junglebrother’s Kombucha
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Dear Kombucha Community,
Quick update on our crowdfund campaign. We are close to 15K with 10 days to go to make this happen! Thank you for all of your support so far. Every share, like, and financial donation is super important to us… so let’s keep going.
Now, I want to share a little backstory with you today.
After a life changing accident one day at work in 2017, which led to a year of different surgeries and rehabilitation, I slowly left carpentry and began to produce kombucha. The fermentation process fascinated me, and again was something I could create with my own hands, from start to finish. Plus, it makes my wife Kristen very happy after coming from California and unable to find unpasteurized kombucha anywhere.
Eventually, I was working 7 days a week and most nights, and I kept going….
Last August, I took the plunge, and left carpentry and the safety of the work I had known since I was 25 yrs old, to follow through with giving everything I had into hand-crafting, bottling, labeling, distributing, and growing my kombucha business to where it is today- and I need your help for the next step.
Junglebrotherskombucha is in over 35 locations from restaurants, to bars, to bio stores, even Manor and Höheners- a long road from its first fridge at the yoga studio, The Looking Glass Basel. It’s a proud moment, and also one where you either GO BIG or GO HOME!
In order to expand to meet the demand and to be the best BOOCH in Switzerland, please consider to continue the efforts with us- liking, sharing the crowdfund link with your friends and communities, and donating any amount that you can - nothing is too small.
Plus there’s cool merch if you do.
There’s something to be said about forging a new path… let’s grow together.
Thank you again,
Simon Geering - Junglebrothers Kombucha
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Liebe Community, (English below) Wir sind in der Hälfte unserer Kampagne angekommen und haben gestern die 11 Tausender Marke geknackt!!! Vielen Dank an euch alle! Der Mittelteil verläuft erfahrungsgemäss eher schleppend, darum brauchen wir jetzt nochmals einen Push! Spendet jetzt, falls ihr das noch vorhabt und teilt es mit eurer Buble. Keine Spende ist zu klein. Verzichtet heute auf dem Cappuccino und spendet die 5 Franken uns Vielen Dank, Simon
Dear Community, We are halfway through the crowdfund campaign and passed the 11K mark yesterday - Thank you so much! In know we will reach the goal if 25K. Usually, the middle part of a campaign slows down, wich is why we are asking you guys for a second push. Please donate if you haven’t and share with your bubble if you can. No donation is too small. Skip that cappucino or beer today and do something that makes a difference. Thank You for everything, let’s do this
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Good morning Just a quick update on our campaign. We are on day 10 and reached 8K, this is fantastic!! Thank you so much for all the support! Whit 30% on day 10, we are on track, lets do this keep sharing the video and link with everyone you know! Thank you so much, Simon
Liebe Kombucha community Hier ein kurzes Update zu unserer Kampagne. Am zehnten Tag haben wir 8000 Franken erreicht, das ist fantastisch! Vielen Dank für die grosse Unterstützung! Mit 30% am zehnten Tag sind wir auf Kurs, teilt weiterhin unser Video und den link mit euren Freunden. Vielen Dank, Simon