Weniger Baby-Antibiotika
von Eric Giannoni, Martin Stocker und Varvara Dimopoulou Agri
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ar friends and supporters of «Less antibiotics for babies», our crowdfunding campaign has ended on Sunday October 26. We are very happy to have reached our objective, and are grateful to all of you for your generosity and your trust! We will keep you updated regarding the next steps including rewards and advancement of our research.
Less antibiotics for babies - for a better start !
Liebe Freunde und Unterstützer von «Less antibiotics for babies», unsere crowdfunding-Aktion ist seit Sonntag, 26. Oktober beendet. Wir sind extrem glücklich mitteilen zu können, dass wir es dank eurer Hilfe geschafft haben: Herzlichen Dank für eure Grosszügigkeit und das Vertrauen. Wir werden euch sobald als möglich mitteilen wie es weitergeht, sowohl betreffend euren Rewards (Tassen, Karten, usw), als auch mit unserer Studie.
Chers amis et supporters de «Moins d’antibiotiques», notre campagne de financement participatif est terminée depuis le dimanche 26 octobre. Nous sommes extrêmement heureux d’annoncer que nous avons atteint notre objectif grâce à votre aide, un grand merci à tous pour votre générosité et votre confiance ! Nous vous ferons savoir dès que possible comment nous procéderons pour vos contreparties (tasses, cartes, etc.) et vous informerons des progrès de notre étude.
Varvara, Martin, Eric
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ar all, thanks a lot for your support!
Over the last weeks, we have received a lot of support, positive comments and media coverage. We have now reached two thirds of our budget, but the rules of crowdfunding state that if we don’t reach 100%, we get nothing!
We have 13 days to go! You can help us again by sharing the information and links to the project on social media, with friends, family and coworkers.
Best regards
Varvara, Eric, Martin
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Thanks a lot for your support!
We reached 25% of our goal in 5 days.
Our project received coverage in the Sonntagszeitung! https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/viele-babys-bekommen-unnoetig-antibiotika-161094079692
Continue to help us by spreading to word to your family, friends and coworkers!
Share the link to our project in English: https://wemakeit.com/projects/less-antibiotics-for-babies?locale=en
Share the link to our project in German: https://wemakeit.com/projects/less-antibiotics-for-babies?locale=de
Share the link to our project in French: https://wemakeit.com/projects/less-antibiotics-for-babies
Visit our website: https://la4b.org/
Varvara, Martin, Eric