The Freedomer App is to help everyone join in the mission to end modern slavery & to make sure no humans have been harmed in the making of the products they buy, help build A World Made in Freedom

CHF 31’485

104% de CHF 30’000

104 %
Comment ça fonctionne

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

149 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 14.5.2021


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  • Come on everyone, the only chance for everyone who wants to stand against modern slavery and child labour to have a say!

    Brian Iselin le 9.5.2021 21:20

  • Go guys, few more days to make history ;-)

    Freedomer le 9.5.2021 20:58

  • Ending modern slavery is essential for a sustainable future for humanity. Along with climate change and the degradation of nature, how we treat each other is the third emergency.

    Daniel Godfrey le 9.5.2021 17:58

  • I think we should all act to bring transparency and improvements in human rights conditions in workplaces, everywhere in the world! For this reason I'm grateful for all the people who are working on this initiative.

    «The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.»
    ― Albert Einstein

    Fabio Moioli le 5.5.2021 19:58

  • We would all change our buying behaviours if we were only made aware of the supply chain that gets us our products. Let's shine the torch on it and make the world a better place for us all.

    Stephen le 4.5.2021 12:01

  • I’m happy to be even a small part of this new and innovative approach to ending the insidious practice of modern-day slavery.

    Stevi C le 30.4.2021 23:12

  • I decided to donate to this project because I believe it is important to raise awareness on this issue. Moreover it is not always easy to be a responsible consumer and this project might help us in making the right choices as consumers. So thanks a lot for your precious work.

    Vivi le 25.4.2021 15:46

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