Ich wäre froh zu wissen, welche Waren in unseren Geschäften tatsächlich fair produziert werden. Es ist mir ein Anliegen, dass Arbeiter*innen endlich fair behandelt, entlöhnt und versichert werden, gesund bleiben und sich an ihren Arbeitsplätzen sicher fühlen können.
A great project, a unique experience on this challenging issue, a crowdbased approach with a lot of potential. For once, data and survey are used for something else than selling things.
Si vous souhaitez, comme moi, que vos biens de consommation préférés soient produits en respectant intégralement les droits et la dignité des femmes et des hommes qui les fabriquent, je vous invite à soutenir slavefreetrade dans son projet de plateforme communautaire Freedomer App!
Seeing that the market I work and live in relies on a more costly and less human practice - modern slavery - really got to me. Even if the immediate Office that I’m in is free of it, that I’m in a market that widespread utilizes this *today* is more than I can live with and not do something. I am a Freedomer.
Thanks for doing this, very much needed and looking forward!!! good luck
Hi Brian, I just listened to your brilliant presentation - Demand as root cause for human trafficking.....So clear, so obvious. Cant wait for the App. Thank you