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Wir sind soweit! Das Buch ist gedruckt und auf der langen Reise von Zuerich bis Bern. Mit buchundnetz habe ich eine super Partner gefunden als Verlag!
Ihr seid ganz herzlich zur Vernissage am Sonntag, 24.9 zwischen 16 und 18 Uhr eingeladen! In den Rauemen von Sieber&Partners an der Schwanengasse 1 in Bern (3. Stock). Kommt vorbei! Es gibt ein feines Green Curry, Wein und… mich. Ich werde um 17 Uhr eine kleine Ansprache halten. Eure Buecher werden natürlich abholbereit sein!
Bis bald und nochmals tausend Dank. Mark
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Thanks so much for the generous support of this project. Here’s a brief update. The campaign ended with a total of CHF 2’655 being raised! That’s 176% of our target. The english book is in layout and soon ready for print. The german text is translated and currently being edited before being layouted. We will send the date of the «vernissage» book signing and celebrating event and dates for the various rewards as soon as we get the printed books. We will keep you posted. Thanks again and till soon. Mark Moser
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is a great privilege for me to be friends with Mark since many years and to have the chance to accompany him on his challenging life path. He teaches me that inner joy and spreading love in this crazy world is not a question of health and performance, but so much more a question of inner mind-set and of receiving and accepting grace.
I experienced Mark in great sadness and tremendous pains, but never in bitterness.
He is such a role model to me, my husband and to many others!
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Quotation –
»In «Living with Pain» we witness Mark’s disarming honesty, deeply reflective, and unapologetically pragmatic personal rendition of the experience, challenge, meaning and responses to living with chronic and often acute pain. For anybody who has experienced severe chronic pain, Mark writing offers an uplifting, embracing and refreshingly empowering acknowledgement and understanding, that wraps itself around you, like a cloak of warm encouragement, as you receive it.
A vibrant non-heroic courage animates every single sentence in this book. Most of all, Mark’s humanity, deeply felt love of life and enduring love; and his unsentimental yet love-filled commitment to the people around him, is, even in the midst of the most unimaginable pain, a strong testimony of hope and a living expression of a well-examined faith.
This book is ostensibly about living with pain – and that it is. But it is much more than that. It is about living in joy, regardless of (and while respecting) the challenges of pain. Far from being solely for the unwell and the chronically pain stricken who may be at risk of suffering and hurting alone, this is a book for all of us. It shows how the inescapable affliction of pain need not turn into the chronic absence of joy. This is a small book to keep close by my side for all times. In endured pain and most importantly for accompanying celebrated joy. «
Anthony Kasozi (http://anthonykasozi.info)
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Wir haben innerhalb der ersten 30 Stunden unser Ziel erreicht!
Wow! wir sind tief berührt und dankbar!
Natürlich sind weiter Vorbestellungen sehr willkommen und wir sind weiterhin sehr dankbar für jegliche Unterstützung damit diese Projekt finanziert werden kann. Alle weiteren Spenden helfen die deutsche Ausgabe zu realisieren.