I have lived with strong pain most of my life. On this journey I've learnt how to not go crazy as I endure severe pain. In this book I share insights and experience.

CHF 2’654

176% de CHF 1’500

176 %
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Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

47 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 18.6.2017

Living with pain without going crazy

After a speed coaching with my son’s girlfriend, Chris looked at me and said «Dad, you should write a book with your experiences and share this with others. You have learnt so much in the +20 years of living with chronic, constant pain. Don’t keep it for yourself». And so I did what a good Dad does: I followed the recommendations of his son and wrote the book.

This is why I need support

This book is for persons directly and indirectly affected by pain. I have been suffering from a chronic genetic disorder which causes severe pain for most of my life. I work as consultant for multi-cultural competence and am co-founder of a NGO. I live in Bern and Bangkok - and I love life!

This book is for all who suffer pain. I share insights on how I manage to live a rich, fulfilling and wonderful life inspite of pain.

Printing and publishing books still costs money and I just don’t have the extra CHF 1’500 it needs to make this happen. With your pre-order, sponsorship, support you make this project happen. The book is available in english and is currently being translated into german.

You can pre-order either a english or german version already.


All supporters and donors will be invited to a thai dish and book launch party!