#LivinGenevaFuture community

by Diana Casalis


LivinGeneva wants to help and inspire people to enjoy and make the most out of their stay in Geneva.
Help us build our platform to share Valuable and Insightful tips and information for Geneva!

CHF 39’465

157% of CHF 25’000

157 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

178 backers

Successfully concluded on 21/4/2020

THANK YOU By Diana Casalis, on 17/04/2020

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ar all,

I am just writing these few lines to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I even have shaking hands, I cannot believe we reached the goal and surpassed it 4 days before the end!

The 149 of you can feel part of something SPECIAL, we are together helping 10 female entrepreneurs continue with their business and most important, you gave us HOPE. Hope that you like our products, hope that we will be able to continue our activity and hope that everything is possible with hard work and determination. We are able to transmit this hope to our employees collaborators and contractors TOO.

I can officially say WE WILL CONTINUE with the re-branding and the new website and I can’t wait to make you ALL part of it!


You are amazing!

Yours truly, Diana