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Lyfa - Plastic Free Living

de Lyfa


The online store and delivery service for plastic free groceries, bringing convenience to a reduced waste lifestyle. You order online and we'll deliver everything to you in reusable containers.

CHF 28’408

129% de CHF 22’000

129 %
Comment ça fonctionneä

Le principe du «tout ou rien» s’applique: l’argent ne sera reversé au projet qu’à condition d’avoir atteint ou dépassé l’objectif de financement.

115 contributeur*rices

Clôturé avec succès le 17.12.2019

We are almost ready!!!De Lyfa, le 22.03.2020

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Hello everyone!

First of all, I sincerely hope you are all doing well and coping through these difficult times.

Due to the recent virus outbreak, there has been a sudden increase in demand for online grocery shopping, and for this reason, we have upped our efforts to get our services online.

With a lot of long hours over the past 2 weeks, we will be online within the next couple of days! This means those of you in Basel will soon be able to start ordering.

We will, of course, let you know (by email) when we go live.

Thanks for your patience and your support!

Update from the Lyfa teamDe Lyfa, le 17.01.2020

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Hello all Lyfa supporters,

We at Lyfa hope you’ve had a great start to the new year and wanted to give you all a little update on our work.

Since the end of our successful campaign, and after a short Christmas break, we’ve been working hard to get everything up and running. At the moment we are building the new website and continuing to set up new partnerships (as well as a thousand other things).

We want to say thank you again to you all for your support and as always, if you have any questions, comments it suggestions just get in touch.

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Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for all your help so far. We are getting close now, but still have one third of the funding still to get.

Please help us out by sharing it with all your friends, talking to your family and neighbours, telling your colleagues and anything else that you think can help.

Almost there, just one final push!

Have a nice weekend

Larissa, Michael and Lewys

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Wir freuen uns riesig über den heutigen Beitrag der BLKB an unsere Crowdfunding Kampagne, vielen lieben Dank! Aber natürlich bedanken wir uns auch herzlich bei allen, die uns bereits unterstützt haben. Es ist schön zu wissen, dass auch ihr ein plastikfreieres Basel anstrebt! Seid stolz darauf und erzählt all euren Freunden, dass ihr uns bei der Umsetzung helft. Teilt unsere Beiträge auf Instagram, Facebook und LinkedIn. Habt eine gute Woche. Ganz liebe Grüsse euer Lyfa Team

3000CHF milestone reached!De Lyfa, le 27.11.2019

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Hi Everyone!

Yesterday we reached the 3000CHF milestone!!!! Thanks so much for your support so far we really really appreciate it.

In order to get to the full amount before the end of the campaign, we really need you to share with your friends and family and spread the word round to everyone you know.

Thank you all again, you’re awesome!

Michael, Lewys and Larissa