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Sensitive material will be shared
Hi everyone,
These last 45 days have been nothing but a roller coaster of emotions, with ups and downs and bumps on the road that are nothing in comparison to the amazing light that comes within this dream that is - Recording an Album -
Yes, cause WE MADE IT!!!
The Crowdfunding Campaign for my first Album has been a success, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of my friends. Whether it was contributing with the campaign or just being a cheerleader reminding me I am not alone and I am not crazy for thinking this could be true… Wow, I received so much love I could say the haters can go to hell. Hahaha, I told you… I’ve been through ups and DOWNS hahaha.
One of my friends asked me last week… how does it feel to record an album? (Osqui)
Well, I have to say I collaborated in albums of other artists, I have to say I did try two years ago and was able to record two amazing songs with Dani in Argentina… to leave feeling my heart was being quieted just because I had no other choice.
Recording an album is not only a dream I have since I got my first album and turned off the lights just to sing my heart out with Ironic, from Alanis Morissette… it is a way of speaking up, a way of showing my truth… of singing the lyrics that don’t belong to no one else, the voice that does not belong to no one else either, because at the end of the day… it is my truth.
I want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart for believing I could do this… it is time to start working… to put the smiles and the tears, to enjoy the journey I have been dreaming for so long already…
Thank you… I do not have more words, but I promise you songs.
Sending you all my love,
Will get in touch with you soon,
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GUYS! It is the final countdown!!!!
And I can’t be happier… thank you once again for all your support!
Now… 22 hs till the campaign is over, and you know what?
I want to give some love back to all of you and also to those who will support my dream…
That’s why I will provide EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to everyone who is part of my crowdfunding campaign: videos, chats, recording sessions access… I mean… why not?
I will be there, the team will be there… and I also want you to be there!!!
Hope you like the idea, keep on sharing, the more the better… this will allow me to print the album!!!
Sending you lots of love,
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Hi dear friends,
I have something amazing to share with all of you!!!
It is time to make a toast!!! so… raise your glass…
Because WE MADE IT!!! - And I am so grateful to you guys, I am so happy… your support means the world to me, and it was not easy… but you were there on the other side reminding me to believe in myself, to believe in my dream… Thank you for reminding me dreams can come true… as the Beatles said: ’I get by with a little help from my friends’… and the universe knows I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.
Now, do you know what this means??? It means I will go back to work!!! YAY!!! The studio will be my office, and from there… I promise to capture every single and beautiful moment of the wonderful journey this album will be…
Now, the campaign is not over yet… we still have 3 more days, which means every little cent that comes in, I will use it to print the albums!!! :) Wouldn’t it be fantastic??? :) So keep on sharing! The much the better!!!
I wish I could hug all of you… and I am sure I will find a way to make this happen too.
Thank you for so much love,
forever grateful,
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ar friends,
the final countdown started and I can’t be happier neither terrified!!!
Yes, it’s only 4 days till the campaign is over and for the success of the campaign it requires me to reach 5000 euros, and I am 1259 euros away!!! OMG, this requires us to be stronger, to share with everyone… to call that friend of yours that might want to take lessons, record a song, pre order the album!
Cause I can’t stress this enough, this dream wouldn’t be able to happen without you guys! And whatever happens, I want to say Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for believing in me.
And because I want you to be involved even a little bit more… I made this short video of that recording day where such an amazing door opened - Recording just a song? Why don’t you record an entire album? - I made my bet… and here I am, hoping this campaign reaches everyone!!! And hoping I can be in that studio, singing again…
However I did raised my bet: the songs will be my own, my own lyrics, my own compositions… do you understand why is this so exciting for me? My songs will be unleashed! After so long, this dream will come true.
And this dream is only 1259 euros away…
What does it mean?
- 1259 downloads of the song I recorded in the Studio
- 251,8 postcards to send
- 83,93 digital download of the Album
- 15,73 people who sign for singing lessons
- 62,95 downloads of the Album and a lovely postcard
You see? we are so close… so close…
So from the bottom of my heart, share this video…
I can’t wait to start working again… but this time… in my dream.
Sending you lots of love,
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Thank you, Thank you & Thank you!!!
I am so grateful to see the Team Awesome getting bigger and stronger! We are 15 days away from the end of the campaign and I want everyone to know from the bottom of my heart I am extremely grateful for you believing in me and for giving me this opportunity to share with you my dream and my love.
I also have to share something I am not sure I did: well, for the campaign to be successful I have to reach at least the total (5000 Euros) if I don’t, then the money will be reimbursed to you and there won’t be no album. Yeap, I need to say it is a little bit intimidating… however, it makes me want to work harder!!!
Some of you might already know I tried recording an album back in 2018 and unfortunately I just couldn’t make it. I have been asking the universe for a second chance, you have no idea how many times.
I am in love with being a singer and a songwriter. I have been in love with music my whole life… not only because of what I feel when I am singing, but also because I believe in music as an agent of change.
Just because life took me to other places it never meant my heart did not beat faster every time I had the chance to sing, it never meant my heart did not stop when I told him he had to wait. Knowing my lyrics and compositions will see the light fills my heart with such an overwhelming joy it is almost indescribable.
That’s why I want to thank you, because I know we will make it! Before I say goodbye for now, I want to ask you one last thing: please share my campaign with friends, family, colleagues, maybe there’s more people out there who will also believe in me!
With all my love,
Nadz- Your forever grateful friend.
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Good morning dear friends!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday! I want to welcome all the new team members supporting this dream!!! Welcome to the Team Awesome!
Just for you to know, lots of things happened last week, and I apologize as I was a little bit absent (I was working in one particular lyric dedicated to Heinrich - Don’t tell him it is a secret hahaha)
What happened last week? Two main events!
1) Stream Live Concert with Gabriel Moraes. This was a total success and made me so happy to read many of you on the Youtube Chat. It was my first stream concert and it was special because of everyone who joined and supported me! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
I was thinking about doing another one, what do you think? Let me know.
For those who weren’t able to see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_gizciOz2g
2) Radio Show Yes! Phillip Conrad invited me to his Open Phil Broadcast and we had such a blast! I was so happy :) I mean, how not to?
This is the link for you to listen! https://zinibox.cloud.seedboxes.cc/OpenPhilBroadcast23.mp3
I loved it, Thank you Phil! Thanks! :)
I want to thank you once again for supporting this campaign and ask you to share it! Maybe you know more people who would be interested, and this will mean getting closer and closer to the goal… and to finally be able to start working on the album! I do hope I make it, the truth is that I can’t make it without you!
Sending you all my love!
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Hi guys,
This post is dedicated to all of you who supported me in this wonderful campaign and make my dream possible.
Today is another day to celebrate, and I want to celebrate it with you as today we reached 50% of the required amount for the success of the campaign… and it’s all because of you!!!
Yes, for your daily support, for choosing my goodies, for believing in my dream… for supporting me! I can’t stress enough what an important role you play in this campaign. And I wish more and more people join us… as this album is going to be absolutely amazing!
I tried in 2018 to record an album, and I just couldn’t… I guess it was not the time.
Today, the world situation requires us to explore in the uncertainty and find that glow that makes us special… and that’s exactly what I want to share with you. This journey, this dream has always been intact, awaiting for me to be ready. I am now. And can’t wait to make this happen!
Sending you all my love! Hope you have a wonderful day, and remember: see you this saturday at 8 pm (CET) in my living room haha… I mean, on fb or my youtube channel:
FB: Nadia Stix Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCunZpiXoaJMpokco6DLL1Eg
Nadz -
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Hi guys, hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
I have a wonderful invitation for you - yes, this Saturday 11 at 8 pm (CET) you are invited to my home concert that I will be streaming for you to enjoy from the comfort of your homes.
With Gabriel Moraes on guitar, I am happy to say his sound keeps me playing around and I can’t wait for you to enjoy with me what happens when his guitar and my voice gathers to make music.
I am really excited as a lot of people voted for the repertoire already and I was able to make a sweet selection of songs for you to enjoy. You still have time though… so remember:
These are the options for you to choose from:
a) Boleros & Bossa b) Jazz & Swing c) Acoustic Pop d) Vintage Pop Rock e) A nice potpourri
Sending you all my love, thank you for supporting my dream, and see you next saturday!
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Hi amazing team, I hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
Today is Monday and that requires updates and more updates! And it also requires your vote! What? To vote? Yes… Because I want to do an online home concert for you! Which means I need you to tell me what would you like the concert to include. The options are:
a) Boleros & Bossa
b) Jazz & Swing
c) Acoustic Pop
d) Vintage Pop Rock
e) A nice potpourri
Let me know what your thoughts are! 💜 I am so excited about this! And I can’t wait to give you something of your love back! So make sure you vote here!
Sending you all my love,
#shine #homeconcert #nadiastix #wien #vienna #concert #musik #musician #singer #nadiastixmusic #singersongwriter #singersofinstagram #argentina #austria #crowdfundingcampaign #album #wemakeit
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How is everybody!? I want to welcome everyone in this exclusive team that doesn’t have a name yet… but, I do receive suggestions so make sure you send them to me! :) Yes, because since the moment you decided to believe in me, you became part of this - Team Awesome -
I have a big announcement to make: Today, the big shout is to all of you!!!!
I wouldn’t be able do this without you guys. So you have to know this album will be not only cherished forever, but dedicated to all of you.
It’s funny. I was only hoping to record a song in Vienna. And I found myself in front of an absolutely incredible opportunity I couldn’t dismiss. The opportunity to record an entire album. That’s why I am working intensely to make sure when the campaign is ready, I am also ready to do my part as an artist and give my 100%. And that’s why I hope we get bigger and bigger as a team, as the campaign requires me to achieve 100% of the goal to succeed, otherwise… bye bye dream.
Yes, I need you to know it is because of you that this opportunity is possible. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me and supporting me in this wonderful journey of singing who I am.
I am so excited, there are so many things I will share with you, so keep tuned, we can do this! Because dreams can come true if we plan it! :)
With all my love,