A marketplace where people get inspired and find easily new tipps for their leisure time. Our mission is to connect people and simplify the way they can gain access to new events and places!

CHF 50

1% of CHF 5’000

1 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

1 backer

Concluded on 18/12/2017

Tipsweek.ch is going to Zürich!

In 2016 we had a 600% growth rate compared to 2015. Financially we are increasing the number of partners and marketing possibilities. We expect to al least double the earnings in 2017. With the launch of the project to other destinations (as for example Zürich) we are expecting to increase significally our financial income.

Find new places and ideas!
Find new places and ideas!

Do you want to find something new for our freetime?

Initially ideated as a website where to find special offers for the freetime, tipsweek.ch has changed his form in January 2016. Now the goal of the project is to offer every week ideas, advices and tipps on the activities and events that can be done in Ticino in the week-end. The mission is also to give a marketing possibility to the small events and local producer to promote in the best way their initiatives, that are normally not known to broad public.

The idea can be applied everywhere!

Currently the contents of the portal are focused on Ticino, but the concept could be extended in the future also for other destinations. This is a niche market, but we see the growth potential as even more the people are looking for new and interesting ideas for their leisure time, without loosing too much time in searching the information in too many websites.

Tipsweek.ch is coming to Zürich! Are you ready?
Tipsweek.ch is coming to Zürich! Are you ready?