The first monograph on the work of the multimedia artist Katharina Stiglitz. The book is published by the renowned publishing house for modern art VfMK and is intended to be printed sustainably.

EUR 5’228

104% of EUR 5’000

104 %
This is how it worksä

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

28 backers

Successfully concluded on 21/6/2024


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  • Die Arbeiten von Katharina Stiglitz einfach toll sind.

    NinEb on 19/6/2024 14:45

  • Ich finde die Arbeiten von Katharina Stiglitz sehenswert und freue mich auf einen Katalog!

    Vary on 18/6/2024 22:04