What we want to do
We want to use our knowlege and to show kids how to grown up healthy food, how to protect and care about environment. At the moment we see that in era of «smart devices» nature lusing the race, our children are more in virtual world than in real life. The problem is big and solutions are everywere, we just need to go out and show the kids really satisfaction.
Why gardens?
Gardens are magical, fun and always full of surprises. Watching a child how pull a carrot from the soil, brush off the soil, and take a bite or see the anticipation in the eyes of a youngster creating a bouquet of flowers she grew. There is a natural magnetic attraction between children and the earth, whether it’s making mud or discovering a germinating seed emerge from the earth. Gardening with children, from toddlers to adolescents, opens new windows in a world dominated by technology.
In this project will be involve faculty of nature science, prymary schools and non-profit organisation «Eko fun kamp».

Our idea
So, idea is to teaching children from elementary school about life in the garden. A donation when we spend on next items:
- to prepare all necessary material for education
- we’ll by materials for building gardens in three cities and more than 20 schools
- to build eco containers for garden waste
- we’ll by tools witch is necessary for gardening
- seeds for planting
- finance the printing small guide about gardening
Also during the classes/events kids will learn how to use old bothels, paper or plastic and make them useful in gardening, so next to the additional basic skills about gardening kids will learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Our programm
This education programmes help teachers and schools to develop gardening projects that teach children where their food comes from, develops their scientific and environmental awareness and encourages them to eat more fruits and vegetables.
This project idea you will be able to follow on our blog – Live! So we will published some activity/moments during the project (text, video and photo material). So that anyone interested in can be informed in the process of this project.
One more idea come to my mind – during the project all information, useful ideas, new born ideas … will be colected and published in small guide for «organic gardering with kids». This guide can be used to promote idea in this part of Europe and also to send to the donors who are interested in.