Who are we?
Kristina Fuchs’ Röseligarte: These are Kristina Fuchs (vocals, hang and loops), Jacques Bouduban (cello and vocals), Adi Blum (accordion) an a steadily growing network of guest musicians. We play old folk songs in a new shape.
Folk Songs?
We play the old songs as we like playing them. We are influenced by Jazz, «world music» and we love improvising. Wild, archaic, full of beauty, delicate, floating and obstinate.
And now?
We are going to record a new CD together with some of our guest musicians: Werner Hasler (trumpet), Andy Gabriel (violine), Albin Brun (saxophone), Lucien Dubuis (clarinets), Daniel Erismann (trumpet), Maru Rieben (percussion) und Pascale Van Coppenolle (organ). We are going to record Swiss German, but also French songs. These are the major languages in Switzerland.
We need your support:
It costs us a lot of money to record and publish a CD. But we are busy writing applications to cultural foundations and it is actually looking quite good. But it is not enough yet. This is why we need your support.
What you get:
We make you happy with a choice of beautiful music, a concert for you or a CD. Or you need singing lessons, a song book? You choose.