Shine On You Crazy Diamond

di Kunstverein Zürich


12 artists in the middle of the financial world. A former asset management place turns from May 11th till 26th into an art exhibition about wealth and fortune.

CHF 1’380

115% di CHF 1’200

115 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

12 sostenitori

Concluso con successo il 23.5.2012

Right in the middle of Switzerland’s center of finance, twelve Swiss artists build a temporary exhibition about wealth, ecstasy and emptiness. The exhibition is accompanied by a series of events dedicated to the society of money. A topic prominently featured in our exhibition publication. To cover our production costs, we need your support!

What is it about?

Emptiness follows ecstasy – it’s true not only for Pink Floyd’s song SHINE ON YOU CRAZY DIAMOND, but also for the world of finance. The exhibition will be the occasion to talk about the place wealth occupies in society and we will do so precisely there where money is located: in Paradeplatz.

12 artists (Ana Strika, Beni Bischof, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Costa Vece, Cris Faria & Lukas Mettler, Gisèle Schindler, Hannes Schmid, huber.huber, Kerim Seiler, Livio Baumgartner, Mickry 3, Riikka Tauriainen and Willy Weber) will bring back the booming 80ies in their works of art – the time when the yuppy was born – and draw a line from there to the financial crisis of today. The majority of the art works are created specifically in view of the exhibition. A multi-faceted series of events accompanies the exhibition including films and talks. In addition, Corina Künzli and Aline Juchler will create a glossy publication on the exhibition itself while it lasts. It will be out for release on the night of the closing event on May 26. An elegant magazine, it will provide insight into the artists’ methods, textual examinations of the topic at stake as well as highlights of pristine diamond photography.

The exhibition space is open from Thursday through to Saturday from 3pm until 8pm. Events will be regularly announced. SHINE ON YOU CRAZY DIAMOND’s curators are Nele Dechmann, Livio Baumgartner and Nicola Ruffo.

Finance the production!

We need your money to produce the high gloss publication documenting and supplementing the exhibition.

Indulge yourself!

In return for your money you get VIP tours of the exhibition, escort drinks, elegant magazines, diamond editions or a dinner on the world’s most pricey ground.

  • Brilliant edition by Livio Baumgartner
    Brilliant edition by Livio Baumgartner
  • Diamond photos (Publication)
    Diamond photos (Publication)
  • Diamond photos (Publication)
    Diamond photos (Publication)

On that note:

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there’s a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.