The Swiss Software Industry Survey (SSIS) is the complete survey of the size, economic effects and trends in the software industry in Switzerland.

CHF 2’940

11% di CHF 25’000

11 %
Come funziona

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

3 sostenitori

Concluso il 25.7.2020

Swiss Software Industry Index - 2020

The Swiss Software Industry Survey (SSIS) is the complete survey of the size, economic effects and trends of the software industry. In Switzerland, the University of Bern, Institute for Information Systems, is responsible for conducting the survey. Swiss software vendors can compare operational key figures (benchmarking).

The reference for your budgeting since 20 years

The SSIS provides all software entrepreneurs with the most important data and assessments of economic developments. With this information, every year more and more software entrepreneurs and increasingly better are able to assess their past business development and plan their future business development.

Your support ensures the study and its quality

The SSIS is a joint effort: the Institute for Business Informatics at the University of Bern is conducting the study. It ensures the scientific character and provides anonymity. ICTSWITZERLAND communicates the results and helps to finance the study. sieber&partners initialized the study, manages the overall project and leads the workshops and media conferences. Inside-It, swissmade software, Alp-ICT and other partners are involved in the study design, comment on the results and ensure dissemination.

The work of the University of Bern is to be financed. To ensure this, we are dependent on the support of other partners.