Soveles debut album

by Isabel Frey and Esther Wratschko


The debut album of the Yiddish, feminist a capella duo «Soveles» with intimate, dark and touching arrangements of Yiddish folksongs.

EUR 6’559

100% of EUR 6’500

100 %
This is how it works

The «all or nothing» principle applies: The project only receives the funds if the funding target is reached or exceeded.

69 backers

Successfully concluded on 2/7/2022

This is what it's all about.

Soveles is Yiddish and means «small owls». With Soveles, we engage with a very intimate musical genre - unaccompanied Yiddish song. Together we arrange these songs for two voices a capella and choose songs with topics that speak to us today - such as feminism, social (in-)justice or class struggle.

Album cover (Kukelka/Mayr)
Album cover (Kukelka/Mayr)

This project is special because ...

Unaccompanied Yiddish song is a centuries-old tradition, mostly sung by women. Many songs deal with daily life (love songs, lullabies, work songs, etc.) but also with political themes that are still relevant today. Traditionally these songs are sung solo, but with Soveles’ modern and stylistically-appropriate duo arrangements and some help from cello and percussion, they appear in a new light.

This is what we need backing for.

Soveles had their debut concert in February 2020, right before the begin of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore there weren’t so many opportunities to play concerts since then. But we used the time to write new arrangements and dig deeper into this fascinating material, and now we want to present this work in the form of an album. As the production of the CD costs much time and money, we need your support!

Soveles im Studio (by Inbal Volpo)
Soveles im Studio (by Inbal Volpo)