Specimen Editorial Project

Specimen Editorial Project

von Babel Festival


Specimen is an online multilingual literary review that through translation gives voice to the multifaceted contemporary world.

CHF 5’126

102% von CHF 5’000

102 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

33 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 15.6.2016

Specimen. The Babel Review of TranslationsVon Babel Festival, am 14.09.2016

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Specimen. The Babel Review of Translations is now on-line: www.specimen.press

Specimen. The Babel Review of Translations maintenant en ligne: www.specimen.press

Specimen. The Babel Review of Translations jetzt online: www.specimen.press

With new and unpublished texts by Derek Walcott, Enrique Vila-Matas, Giorgio Orelli, Aleksandar Hemon, Xiaolu Guo, Clemens Umbricht and a dossier on new Palestinian voices edited by Adania Shibli. In some 20 languages. For a start.

Make sure you subscribe to My Specimen to create your very own version of the magazine.

Specimen, the first highly typographical and totally multilingual web review, will be presented to the publicat Babel, Saturday 17 September, Teatro Sociale at 16.00 with the Palestinian writer Adania Shibliand the Specimen Vanni Bianconi, Matteo Campagnoli and Matteo Terzaghi.

Thank you for your help and support!

Grazie!Von Babel Festival, am 13.06.2016

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ar friends, thanks to your generosity and enthusiasm we reached our goal!

We are ever so happy for this, but the best news is… we still have some time ahead before the end of the campaign! If you have friends who showed interest towards us they have time till June 15th @ 6pm to back Specimen.

Please keep promoting us, the more backers we got, the more projects we’ll be able to complete, the more beautiful the magazine will be, the more you’ll love it!

Thanks again for leading us here!

La meta è sempre più vicina!Von Babel Festival, am 07.06.2016

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Cari sostenitori, vi ringraziamo infinitamente per il vostro prezioso supporto. Siamo sempre più vicini alla meta e mancano ancora 8 giorni alla fine della campagna. Grazie per la generosità e la fiducia che ci dimostrate.

In attesa del lancio della rivista, il 18 giugno a Londra, vi preghiamo di continuare a promuovere Specimen tra i vostri amici e conoscenti per aiutarci a raggiungere l’obiettivo!

Perché la lingua del domani è la traduzione!

Dear backers, we deeply thank you for your stunning support! Our goal is getting closer and there are still 8 days to go! Thanks a million for your generosity and precious help!

As we wait for the magazine’s launch in London, on June the 18th, please keep promoting Specimen among your friends and contacts and help us to reach our target!

Because translation is the language of the future!

BREAKING NEWS!Von Babel Festival, am 01.06.2016

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Oggi mercoledì 1. giugno l’Europa festeggia l’apertura della galleria ferroviaria più lunga del mondo. La galleria è stata costruita per trasportare la merce da una parte all’altra delle Alpi. Anche le persone, ovviamente, ne approfitteranno. Ma per trasportare il pensiero, l’immaginazione e la poesia, sostenete «Specimen», la rivista letteraria on-line che prende seriamente l’idea di Umberto Eco secondo cui «la lingua dell’Europa è la traduzione».
Grazie del vostro contributo!
E a presto su www.specimen.press

Heute, Mittwoch 1. Juni 2016, feiert Europa die Eröffnung des längsten Eisenbahntunnels der Welt. Der Tunnel wurde im Hinblick auf den Transport von Gütern durch die Alpen erbaut. Natürlich werden auch die Reisenden davon profitieren. Für den Transport von Gedanken, Vorstellungskraft und Poesie ist hingegen «Specimen» zuständig: Die literarische Online-Zeitschrift, die Umberto Ecos Gedanken ernst nimmt: «Die Sprache Europas ist die Übersetzung.»
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag!
Und bis bald auf www.specimen.press

Aujourd’hui, mercredi 1er juin, l’Europe fête l’ouverture du plus long tunnel ferroviaire du monde. Il a pour but de transporter les marchandises et les personnes de part et d’autre des Alpes, à une vitesse record. Mais pour convoyer la pensée, l’imagination et la poésie nous vous suggérons plutôt de soutenir Specimen, la revue littéraire en ligne qui prend le temps de suivre cette idée d’Umberto Eco : « la langue de l’Europe, c’est la traduction ». Merci pour votre contribution!
Et à bientôt sur www.specimen.press

Today, on June 1st, Europe celebrates the official opening of the world’s longest railway tunnel. A tunnel that has been built in order to transport cargo and people across the Alps, at an unprecedented speed. In order to transport imagination and poetry across Europe & the world at a similar speed, we ask that you support «Specimen», the new web-zine that echoes Umberto Eco’s idea: «the language of Europe is translation».
Thank you all!
And see you soon on board www.specimen.press

Thank you/Grazie!Von Babel Festival, am 01.06.2016

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ar supporters, thank you for your help! Your encouragement is vital for us! Please keep promoting Specimen among your friends and contacts so that your effort will not be vain. We still have 2 weeks to go!!!

Carissimi sostenitori, grazie per il vostro supporto! Il vostro incoraggiamento è prezioso. Continuate a fare gli ambasciatori di Specimen tra i vostri amici e conoscenti perché il vostro sforzo non vada perso, abbiamo ancora due settimane di tempo!!!