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292successful projects close to Kinshasa in agriculture

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Kinshasa. But this may be of interest to you.
Launch of Kazi in Chad

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Environment

Dari and Pala

Launch of Kazi in Chad

by Kazi Startfunding

Funding for the first two projects of KAZI Chad in the southwestern part of the country. A 2-hectare irrigated crop project and a solar power station project for device charging.

100 %
CHF 7’000
45 backers
Digitizing Farming in Kenya

Startup, agriculture, and Technology


Digitizing Farming in Kenya

by Sabine Godinez and Mwangi Maina

SOKO is an agriculture startup that aims to digitize sheep farming. It will empower smallholder farmers to make a living from raising healthy sheep and sell them without going through intermediaries.

103 %
CHF 15’470
100 backers
Permakultur-Pioniere in Togo

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


Permakultur-Pioniere in Togo

by Lucas Baumann and Verein Happy Togo

Lass uns 60 Pionierbäuerinnen unterstützen bei der Umstellung ihrer Felder von Mono- auf Permakultur: Tausende neue Bäume, nachhaltiger Bodenaufbau, Vielfalt, gesunde Handarbeit, mehr Lebensqualität.

113 %
CHF 68’050
271 backers
It goes on: Organic training

Agriculture, Environment, and Education


This community supported us in providing training opportunities for smallholder cocoa and coffee farmers in Uganda. The outcome was a great success! Support us in expanding our reach even further.

108 %
CHF 4’329
26 backers
Organic training in Uganda

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Organic is booming. But organic farming requires much knowledge that many farmers don't have. A group of farmers in Uganda is looking forward to receiving knowledge and the benefits of organic farmig.

103 %
EUR 7’245
47 backers
Bamboo Agroforestry

Agriculture and Environment


Bamboo Agroforestry

by "BIDG" Bamboo for Integrated Development Ghana

BIDG aims to introduce an integrated, resilient and sustainable Bamboo-Agroforestry-System to reduce the poverty and hardship of local communities and smallholder farmers.

105 %
CHF 31’670
69 backers
Neues Schulhausdach in Gomoa

Agriculture, Fair Trade, and Education


Neues Schulhausdach in Gomoa

by Mahler & Co. feine Biowaren

Die Kinder unserer Kokos-Bauern in Gomoa (Ghana) brauchen Hilfe. Wir möchten der dortigen Junior-Highschool einen neuen Deckeneinbau finanzieren.

102 %
CHF 5’650
50 backers
Let's build this bridge!

Agriculture and Fair Trade


Let's build this bridge!

by Mahler & Co. feine Biowaren

Den Ananasbauern in Krodua steht das Wasser buchstäblich bis zum Hals, wenn sie mit der Ernte den Fluss überqueren. Wir finanzieren den Bau einer neuen, sicheren Brücke.

100 %
CHF 27’680
102 backers
Gemüsegarten für Tansania

Agriculture and Community


Dein Beitrag für dieses Projekt hilft einem Blindenheim im Norden von Tansania ihr eigenes Gemüse und ihre eigenen Früchte anzubauen.

150 %
CHF 3’000
31 backers
Kula Pipi Garden

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Kula Pipi Garden

by Demetra Solari

Le « Kula pipi garden » est un jardin de rencontre et un lieu où les locaux et les internationaux peuvent se rencontrer et partager leurs expériences de vie.

104 %
CHF 20’837
72 backers
Healthy Farms for Kenya

Agriculture, Community, and Environment


Healthy Farms for Kenya

by Caroline Moraza, Lucas Zahl, Silke Stoeber, and Esther Kiruthi

Let’s achieve healthy and sustainable farms for Kenyan consumers and smallholder farmers! Water shortages, climate change and pollution are all challenges, which will be tackled with your support.

107 %
EUR 6’434
45 backers
Siaka's Farm

Startup and Agriculture

Laye Department

Siaka's Farm

by OlliDegen

2. Finanzierungsrunde für den Aufbau einer Hühner-, Rinder- und Schweinefarm in Burkina Faso / Afrika. Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen und Aufbau eines nachhaltig und ökologisch betriebenen Betriebes.