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292progetti coronati da successo vicino a Sydney in agricoltura

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Abbiamo progetti un po’ dappertutto. Tuttavia, in questo momento non ce n’è di vicini a Sydney. Chissà se ti interessa questo qui?
Organic seeds from Pabhoi

Startup, agricoltura e ambiente


Organic seeds from Pabhoi

di Neelam Dutta, WFSCAN e Sativa Rheinau AG

Our organic seed initiative produces diverse, reproducible plant varieties. We give local farmers an alternative to seeds provided by multinationals which need to be bought again every season.

124 %
CHF 41’186
226 sostenitori
Britos-Granja La Orientala


Montevideo e Lugano

Sostieni una fattoria Bio in Uruguay. Un progetto per fare di più e meglio. Per dimostrare – voi –che un sistema di produzione alternativo è fattibile, apprezzato e vivibile.

120 %
CHF 19’200
131 sostenitori
Gemüsegarten für Tansania

Agricoltura e sociale


Dein Beitrag für dieses Projekt hilft einem Blindenheim im Norden von Tansania ihr eigenes Gemüse und ihre eigenen Früchte anzubauen.

150 %
CHF 3’000
31 sostenitori
Kula Pipi Garden

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


Kula Pipi Garden

di Demetra Solari

Le « Kula pipi garden » est un jardin de rencontre et un lieu où les locaux et les internationaux peuvent se rencontrer et partager leurs expériences de vie.

104 %
CHF 20’837
72 sostenitori
Healthy Farms for Kenya

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


Healthy Farms for Kenya

di Caroline Moraza, Lucas Zahl, Silke Stoeber e Esther Kiruthi

Let’s achieve healthy and sustainable farms for Kenyan consumers and smallholder farmers! Water shortages, climate change and pollution are all challenges, which will be tackled with your support.

107 %
EUR 6’434
45 sostenitori
It goes on: Organic training

Agricoltura, ambiente e educazione


This community supported us in providing training opportunities for smallholder cocoa and coffee farmers in Uganda. The outcome was a great success! Support us in expanding our reach even further.

108 %
CHF 4’329
26 sostenitori
Organic training in Uganda

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente


Organic is booming. But organic farming requires much knowledge that many farmers don't have. A group of farmers in Uganda is looking forward to receiving knowledge and the benefits of organic farmig.

103 %
EUR 7’245
47 sostenitori
Yaye's Soundsystem

Agricoltura, musica e sociale

Addis Abeba

Hi Guys, I want to help a local township promote the benefits of communal farming by giving them a soundsystem. Read the explanation below. Thanks for your consideration!

133 %
CHF 2’673
30 sostenitori
Numériser l'agriculture

Startup, agricoltura e tecnologia


Numériser l'agriculture

di Sabine Godinez e Mwangi Maina

SOKO est une startup agroalimentaire qui vise à numériser l’élevage de moutons. Les petits agriculteurs ont la possibilité d’optimiser leurs moyens de subsistance en élevant des moutons en bonne santé

103 %
CHF 15’470
100 sostenitori
Ferme Bio, Yes we can!!

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente

Sipe Sipe

Ferme Bio, Yes we can!!

di Fico & Héloïse

Nous sommes ravis d’avoir découvert cette vallée source de vie, emplie de la présence du millénaire peuple quechua, avec lequel nous nous sommes engagés pour une agriculture durable.

102 %
CHF 22’682
52 sostenitori
Forest Garden of the future

Agricoltura, sociale e ambiente

San Marcos La Laguna

With your help, an edible forest garden is being created in the highlands of Guatemala! Together with the local community and the school, we are building a thriving ecosystem for a sustainable future.

112 %
CHF 45’000
195 sostenitori
Finca Maputo – Ecuador

Agricoltura, commercio equo e ambiente

Nanegalito, Berna e Zurigo

Finca Maputo – Ecuador

di Kevin Rechsteiner

Das Crowdfunding soll der Finca Maputo helfen die Löhne zu bezahlen und zu sichern, dass die Mitarbeiter und Pflückerinnen auch weiterhin ein Teil der Finca Maputo bleiben.