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311successful projects close to Verona in festival

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Verona. But this may be of interest to you.
3. Brassweek Samedan

Music, Festival, and Kids / Youth


3. Brassweek Samedan

by Verein Brassweek Samedan

Wir bieten talentierten Musikerinnen und Musikern die Gelegenheit, mit den weltbesten Blechbläsern zusammen zu arbeiten, von ihnen zu lernen und sich international zu vernetzen.

107 %
CHF 5’361
24 backers
#frauenarbeit Camp

Community, Festival, and Education


#frauenarbeit Camp

by Regula Bührer Fecker

Die Stiftung #FRAUENARBEIT plant ein Karriereförderungs-Wochenende für 10 junge Frauen. Das Camp soll für die Teilnehmenden GRATIS sein, man muss sich bewerben. Dafür suchen wir UnterstützerInnen!

102 %
CHF 7’192
29 backers
Machöas. LitteraturA Nairs

Science, Festival, and Literature


Machöas. LitteraturA Nairs

by Fundaziun Nairs and Flurina Badel

Das Festival LitteraturA Nairs widmet sich dem «Weiblichen» in der rätoromanischen Literatur – mit Vorträgen, Gesprächen, Liedern und Lesungen von Autor*innen. Mit zweisprachigen Programmpunkten.

106 %
CHF 5’345
38 backers
Càvea Festival

Music, Festival, and Art


Càvea Festival

by Càvea Festival

A breath-taking location, live music and limitless nature. Càvea Festival is a musical event that takes place in the magnificent landscapes of Arzo’s marble quarry, a natural amphitheater to discover.

112 %
CHF 8’400
102 backers
TI/Street/Art 2015

Music, Festival, and Dance


TI/Street/Art 2015

by Urbanova Associazione

TI/Street/Art 2015 is a festival of urban culture created by the Urbanova association and focused on the multiple forms of art and sports which originate and develop in urban environments.

103 %
CHF 5’180
32 backers
Bellinzona Blues Sessions

Music and Festival


The Blues is back in Town! Bellinzona Blues Sessions 2015 (Summer Edition) is a Festival Open Air which take place from 25th to 27th June 2015, Piazza Governo – Bellinzona.

112 %
CHF 5’635
60 backers

Food, Film, and Festival

Zürich, Bremgarten, and Arosa


by sedonjamoll

Wolkenleer erzählt die Geschichte einer älteren Dame, die an Demenz leidet. Mit Hilfe ihrer Enkelin, durch Genuss vertrauter Gerichte und Sinneserfahrungen, erinnert sie sich an vergangene Zeiten.

104 %
CHF 5’865
112 backers
Keyboard Days Klosters

Music and Festival


Keyboard Days Klosters

by Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

Everything that is played with keys comes together over Easter in Klosters: accordion, organ, piano. Players either alone or with accompaniment will delight audiences at various venues.

107 %
CHF 21’560
79 backers
Tastentage Klosters 2023

Music and Festival


Tastentage Klosters 2023

by Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

Small but excellent festival with musicians on keyboard instruments, with international stars and national top performers on piano, accordion, organ, etc. in various venues in Klosters, Easter 2023.

113 %
CHF 22’651
104 backers
Keyboard Days Klosters 2020

Music and Festival


Keyboard Days Klosters 2020

by Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

Small, fine festival with key artists under the motto «Music under your skin», which happens during the Easter days on the stages of various venues in Klosters – with world stars and Swiss musicians.

102 %
CHF 20’527
79 backers
Keyboard Days Klosters 2018

Music and Festival


Keyboard Days Klosters 2018

by Kulturgesellschaft Klosters

A mixture of internationally renowned and legendary Swiss artists will play 12 concerts on piano, accordion and organ - from folk music to jazz to classical music - at various local venues.

100 %
CHF 16’150
52 backers
Nepal-Kulturtage Pradaschier

Music, Community, and Festival

Zürich and Churwalden

Mit Freude sind wir daran, drei Kulturtage im wunderschönen Waldhotel Pradaschier zu planen: Konzerte, Filme, Essen und viel mehr, alles ist bereit: Unerwartet stehen wir vor einem finanziellen Loch.