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2386successful projects close to Abidjan in music

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Abidjan. But this may be of interest to you.
Dodo – back to the roots

Film and Music

Cape Town, Abidjan, and Accra

Mit deiner Unterstützung reise ich, in meinem zum Studio umgebauten Schiffscontainer, nach Afrika, zurück zu meinen Wurzeln und bringe diese musikalische Abenteuerreise als Kinofilm zurück zu dir!

102 %
CHF 102’979
335 backers
CD multi-culturel

Music and Community

Nyon, Ouagadougou, and Paris

CD multi-culturel

by André Courbat

Magnifique Rock-blues Africain. Album Suisse-Burkina Faso! Une rencontre entre Jacob Salem et André Courbat. Le résultat magique de 2 cultures qui communiquent et se complètent parfaitement.

103 %
CHF 9’245
80 backers
Swiss Tour 2022

Music, Dance, and Education

Lagos and Fribourg

Swiss Tour 2022

by Oziano Oriaku

From the ghetto to performing on TV alongside my icons, dancing has been my way out of the streets and my source of joy. Today, thanks to you, I have the chance to tour Switzerland. It's lifechanging.

124 %
CHF 6’180
84 backers

Music, Festival, and Education


BSIX développe la musique live au Sénégal en commençant par la Casamance et met en place l’apprentissage de métier du domaine musical: technique, ingénierie son et lumière et administration.

105 %
CHF 2’100
18 backers
First contact

Music and Art


First contact

by A.K.A. unknown

«First Contact of an unknown kind» ist das neuste Projekt der Band A.K.A. unknown. Alt bekannte, wie auch neu arrangierte Songs werden in der Galavanik Zug als einmaliges Erlebnis präsentiert.

103 %
CHF 3’115
27 backers

Exhibition, Music, and Art

Marrakesh and Berlin

If You Are So Smart, Why Ain't You Rich?

by Pauline Doutreluingne and Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung

An exhibition on the economics of knowledge, in the framework of the 5TH MARRAKECH BIENNALE 2014 «Where are we now?»

100 %
EUR 10’090
61 backers
JSO Crescendo: Konzertreise

Music and Kids / Youth


Alle 2 Jahre wird vom JSO Crescendo eine Konzertreise organisiert. Dieses Jahr führt uns der Weg nach Portugal ans Lisbon Music Festival, wo wir mehrere Konzerte geben werden.

108 %
CHF 4’340
31 backers
Mallorca Edition Hist.Organs


Santanyí and Düsseldorf

Mallorca Edition Historic Organs – Recordings on the «Queen of Instruments» in Santanyí, Campos and Sencelles An exquisite 6SACD edition by organist Martin Schmeding for the label Cybele.

101 %
EUR 5’050
30 backers
Bassist's path without bass

Music, Performing arts, and Education

Zürich, Madrid, and Santiago

As a professional musician a good instrument is a need. My lack of having a good instrument is a huge barrier to reach my goals of playing with top orchestras and winning auditions.

100 %
EUR 23’000
24 backers
Staubi und Tim Tock

Publishing, Music, and Kids / Youth

Bern, Segovia, and Salamanca

Staubi und Tim Tock

by alexiaviola

¿Qué es una viola? En este cuento musical con CD incluido,encontrarás la respuesta.De la mano de los dos simpáticos protagonistas, los niños se adentrarán en el mundo de la música.

102 %
CHF 6’170
63 backers
OutSouth CD Release and Tour


Lucerne and Palermo

«One thought can produce millions of vibrations». Be a part of this thought and support us to publish our second album and to plan our release tour in Switzerland and Italy.

105 %
EUR 3’165
51 backers
10 years of musical passion

Music, Festival, and Art


This year we celebrate 10 years of musical passion! Join us in discovering, or reliving, the Barber of Seville in an evening full of music thirsty conviviality and regional flavours.