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273successful projects close to Avignon in politics

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Avignon. But this may be of interest to you.
Transparency of libraries

Politics and Community

Geneva and Dübendorf

Transparency of libraries

by Christian Gutknecht

Help me to finance an appeal against the University of Geneva. The university should make their subscription fees to Elsevier, Springer and Wiley transparent .

120 %
CHF 6’045
76 backers
Lobbywatch Switzerland


Berne, Zurich, and Geneva

Lobbywatch Switzerland

by Sylke Gruhnwald, Nicole Krättli, and Otto Hostettler

Platform for transparent policy with an effective research tool for the screening of lobbyists networks in the Swiss Parliament.

138 %
CHF 13’800
130 backers
Investigating use of data

Publishing, Politics, and Journalism


Investigating use of data

by Serge Michel,, and Fondation pour l'innovation et la diversité dans l'information

An investigation into how our data is used by corporations such as SBB, La Poste, Coop, Migros, health insurers and others. It is in the public interest to understand what they do with it.

105 %
CHF 42’209
434 backers
Initiative Service Citoyen

Politics, Community, and Environment

Geneva, Zürich, and Bern

Initiative Service Citoyen

by Noémie, pour le comité d'initiative

Eine funktionierende Gesellschaft braucht das Engagement aller. Mit unserer Initiative schreiben wir das Engagement für Umwelt & Gesellschaft in die Bundesverfassung. Ohne Grosslobby, dafür mit DIR!

150 %
CHF 30’162
67 backers
Dancing the Political

Politics, Community, and Dance


Dancing the Political

by Compagnie Mûes, Héloïse Dell'Ava Luna, and Saed Mansour

Support Dancing the Political! A workshop & performance project based on the political aspect of our dancing bodies,facilitated by dancers Saed Mansour from Palestine & Héloïse Dell'Ava from Geneva.

100 %
CHF 8’000
29 backers
Hijos del viento @ VDR

Film and Politics


Hijos del viento @ VDR

by Felipe Monroy

Après la visite des mères des faux positifs au festival Visions Du Réel en Suisse, nous faisons appel à la solidarité de nos amis pour rembourser le prêt des frais de leur visite.

100 %
CHF 5’295
9 backers
Upload Entscheide/Urteile

Science, Politics, and Community

Bern, St. Gallen, and Geneva

Upload Entscheide/Urteile

by Verein

Der Verein wird eine Uploadfunktion einführen, die es erlaubt, von Behörden nicht veröffentlichte Urteile in geeigneter Form auf zu publizieren.

100 %
CHF 5’550
43 backers
Elles, les (in)visibles

Film, Politics, and Community


Elles, les (in)visibles

by Maevia Griffiths

A documentary film on the lived realities of undocumented women in Geneva. They live in Geneva, they clean our offices, our houses, take care of your families, yet they remain invisible.

215 %
CHF 8’629
130 backers
Le Corona Circus

Politics and Performing Arts


Le Corona Circus

by P'tit Music'Hohl

Le P’tit Music’Hohl a besoin de votre aide ! Dû au COVID-19, nous avons été contraints d'écourter la fin de la saison mais cela nous a permis de revenir encore plus fort avec le CORONA CIRCUS!

105 %
CHF 5’260
8 backers
Support for asylum hearings

Politics and Community

Basel, Geneva, and Zürich

We provide free online legal aid to asylum seekers and accompany them to their asylum interviews. In order to further cover the travel costs of our volunteers, we need your help!

112 %
CHF 3’368
51 backers
Le cinéma palestinien existe

Film, Politics, and Festival

Geneva and Lausanne

Avec leurs films,les cinéastes palestiniens affirment l’existence d’un peuple,d’une culture non reconnus. Par leurs regards nous saisissons la réalité de cette terre. Contribuez à les faire connaître!

106 %
CHF 5’320
43 backers
#IADHnon s'affiche!



#IADHnon s'affiche!

by Comité romand #IADHnon

Le Comité romand: non à l’initiative anti-droits humains veut financer une campagne d’affichage dans les gares en Suisse romande. Affichons notre volonté de protéger nos droits!