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502successful projects close to Lampedusa in startup

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Lampedusa. But this may be of interest to you.
Werde selbst Weinproduzent

Food and Startup

Magliano in Toscana

Eine Gruppe von Freunden und Weinexperten hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, mit renommierten Weingütern und Önologen direkt vor Ort einmalige Weine zu kreieren. Sei von Anfang an bei «Ars Nobilis» dabei.

136 %
CHF 13’665
67 backers
Gea – Women run distillery

Startup and Environment


Gea is a healing concept made by nature, reshaped by hand. We are a women team based in Mostar, creating products based on local ingredients for skin and soul care.

109 %
CHF 7’664
97 backers
Balkia - Rakija de prûne

Food and Startup

Lausanne and Latvica

Balkia est une rakija de prûne (aussi appelée Slivotitz) de Serbie. Cette dernière est vieillie 3 ans en fûts de chêne et dotée dûn taux d'alcool de 43%.

131 %
CHF 6’583
54 backers

Fashion, Startup, and Environment



by Sonnenstube

Sonnenstube è un progetto Ticinese nato nel marzo 2017.
Siamo due ragazze formate nel settore dell'abbigliamento che con tanta voglia di fare hanno creato una linea di costumi da uomo.

101 %
CHF 5’050
34 backers
Food Waste as Resource

Startup, agriculture, and Environment


Food Waste as Resource

by Elisa Filippi and Elena Bittante

Help us to build the little house for the queen of bioconversion. Where it reproduces and prepares itself for the process of valorization of food waste into new sustainable and healthy resources.

102 %
CHF 25’517
65 backers
Natural Labor

Startup and Environment


Natural Labor

by Larissa e Roberta

Workshop for the production of handmade soaps. Natural products that respect the environment, take care of our skin and put us in a good mood.

100 %
CHF 3’005
29 backers
Atelier Nora Engels

Startup, Design, and Art


Atelier Nora Engels

by Holzbildhauerin Nora Engels

Mein Lebenstraum wird Wirklichkeit. Es gibt viel zu tun. Im Traum geht das leicht. Real kostet es Zeit, Mut, Kraft und auch Geld. Von Herzen lade ich dich ein, Teil meines Traumprojektes zu werden.

100 %
CHF 50’455
177 backers
Kleinbrauerei Heglwiis Embd

Food and Startup


Kleinbrauerei Heglwiis Embd

by fernandofux, Hansii, and damian_wasmer

In unserem Wohnort Embd möchten wir Damian, Fernando und Hans-Peter unseren Traum einer eigenen Craftbierbrauerei erfüllen. Hilf uns dabei!

133 %
CHF 8’001
81 backers
SimulRacing «Valais»

Games, Startup, and Sport


Mon projet consiste à ouvrir un Centre de Simulation de Pilotage Automobile Virtuel dans la région de Martigny, canton du Valais.

101 %
CHF 25’250
34 backers
Peekaboo Créations

Startup and Design


Peekaboo Créations

by Océane Steffen

Viens m'aider à répandre du bonheur et de la douceur au sein de la vie de chacun! Découvre chacune de mes créations, tu ne pourras que les aimer!

115 %
CHF 8’050
73 backers
Synature - Wolf Monitoring

Startup, Technology, and Animals

Lausanne, Glarus, and Sion

Synature - Wolf Monitoring

by Miya, Olivier, and Adrian & Noah

We are 4 nature loving engineers that want to enable the co-existence of humans and wildlife. Our goal is to develop a smart mic that can detect the howling of wolves in real-time to help rangers.

103 %
CHF 20’710
54 backers
WAYA reinvent the toothpaste

Startup, Community, and Environment


The best toothpaste for your health and for the planet. My goal is to offer you a natural toothpaste, without plastic packaging, that is as good and as effective as a traditional toothpaste.