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7346successful projects close to Nyanga

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Nyanga. But this may be of interest to you.
A fishing boat in Mozambique

Fair Trade, Community, and Education


We want to buy a sailing boat and a fishing net for our project to be more self-sustainable. Eventually, we would like to buy an engine to make the boat faster and safer.

117 %
CHF 11’785
107 backers
Covid-19: Let's fight hunger



Yes, currently the whole world is suffering due to Corona. But in Vilankulos, Mozambique people are suffering hunger and the government doesn’t fight against it. So let’s get together and help them.

114 %
CHF 1’722
30 backers
8000 Tonnen Brennholz sparen

Community, Environment, and Education


8000 Tonnen Brennholz sparen

by Verein Schulprojekte Sambia

In Afrika ist auf dem Lande Holz der wichtigste Energieträger. Jeder Haushalt verbrennt etwa 10t Holz pro Jahr. Mit einfachen, aus Lehm selber hergestellten Öko-Öfen lassen sich 40% einsparen.

132 %
CHF 5’297
32 backers
Le Cinema Déambulant

Film, Community, and Environment


Le Cinema Déambulant

by Le Cinema Déambulant

Swan around Africa with my bicycle and a sustainable cinema to raise awareness for the climate and share culture from all over the world! The bicycle will produce the electricity. Amazing, right?!

122 %
CHF 4’898
83 backers
New home for girls in need

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


We wanna give girls coming from very underdeveloped areas in Mozambique a new home, where they are loved and open the door to a great future without suffer of hunger, thirst or untreatable sickness!

136 %
CHF 4’500
30 backers
instruments 4 dignity

Music, Community, and Kids / Youth

Maputo, Gaborone, and Nairobi

instruments 4 dignity

by instruments 4 dignity

instruments4dignity a pour mission de cultiver le sentiment de dignité à travers la musique. Nous avons récolté 20 instruments de musique qui doivent être envoyés à des associations partenaires.

105 %
CHF 2’520
28 backers
Un Crayon pour Grandir EP.2

Kids / Youth, Dance, and Education

Kinshasa and Lubumbashi

Votre soutien permettra d’acheter et d’acheminer du matériel éducatif en direction des enfants et danseurs. Vous leur apporterez ainsi le sourire ! De plus, nous jouerons notre spectacle WaoWao.

100 %
CHF 3’000
17 backers
Un Crayon pour Grandir

Community, Kids / Youth, and Dance

Lubumbashi, Ecuvillens, and Kinshasa

Notre Compagnie Lelonayo aimerait aider les enfants et jeunes artistes au Congo en apportant des fournitures scolaires et du matériel pour le développement de la pratique de la danse.

110 %
CHF 1’100
16 backers
Children under the sun

Kids / Youth and Education


Children under the sun

by Denise Ammann, Jacqueline Ammann, and Lucie Ammann

Bana Ba Letsatsi is a rehabilitation center that supports orphaned and vulnerable children in their daily lives with essential services and gives them access to schooling.

100 %
CHF 12’914
79 backers
Save a Nursery School

Kids / Youth


Save a Nursery School

by Marianne and Michael

Save this day care center in the Johannesburg area where children can learn English from an early age. Help to ensure that the children are well prepared to start school in English.

103 %
CHF 5’157
40 backers
YouTube Kanal "Black Sheep"

Journalism and Community


Südafrika's junge Generation formt die Identität des Landes am Kap. Doch ihre Träume, Abstürze und Erfolge werden nirgends aus ihrer Sicht thematisiert. Das soll unser YouTube Kanal Black Sheep ändern

128 %
CHF 2’565
19 backers
Let’s get Mutogomeli started



A small group of passionate conservationists wants to take off! What they still need is a suitable vehicle! Come on this drive and be part of something big!