The magic soup trailer makes with secound class ingredients first class soups!

CHF 1’098

3% di CHF 33’000

3 %
Come funzionaä

Vale il principio del «Tutto o Niente»: la somma raccolta verrà corrisposta al progetto, solo se esso avrà raggiunto o superato l’obiettivo di finanziamento.

12 sostenitori

Concluso il 16.5.2016

Darum geht’s

Sorry the movie is not in English, but you understand it ;-)

For what?

Food that can no longer be sold to give them a second chance and produce soups therefrom. With a sales trailer, can i go to various places. I bring the tasty, healthy and satisfying soups to the people. All served in a crusty bread!

We need YOUR support

The dream trailer was an old US Airstream. But with over 60’000 euros over the top! By Gamo Retro Trailer RL 340 I have found a very good alternative. In addition to the half of spending.And a high quality kitchen & sales facility in view!

That you can get for it

Depending on the support post coupons for soups, or the suppe«r» locally @ your event

No time to enjoy immediately ?

The bread is a part of the meal. After the soup is eaten, you can relish nor enjoy the slightly soggy bread. Or you can fill the bread a second / third time with soup. Since the bread has a slightly harder than normal crust, this keeps readily 20-30min. without being completely softened. For customers who want to enjoy the healthy and satisfying meal at home, are available small jars. So everything can be safely transported home and heated again there. The jars thus find further reuse at home as sugar bowl, jam jars or as a creative gift packaging. Otherwise are biological prepared dishes are available for transporting even 100%. These are made from sugar corn starch, and thus compostable after use. Again, the idea of Suppe(r)charre continue in the form of Suppe(r)ware!