Biometrical Simulator
My optical software contains an ordered listing of 5 lenses. A light’s beam crosses such system producing as output a convergence point called focus point that fits into a 2D geometrical plan called focus plan.
The benefits of my software are represented by an essential task as software assistant tool in the refractive surgery domain, especially, the optical surgical training and the real-time processing phase of the lenses transplant in a human eye still less the clinical analysis and the systems design of practical optical applications.

important improvement to Gaussian optics
The optical systems design package I´ve realized represents an important improvement to Gaussian optics which is a technique in geometrical optics that describes the behaviour of light rays in optical systems. I could modernize such technique creating an optical system that include from min. 2 lenses to (n)-lenses with n= (min.) 5 lenses.
My optical system contains at least one lens more than a Tessar lens. Consequently, i developed an optical software integrating a practical use to such technique through a hard mathematical and algorithmics development still less an implemented GUI(Guide-User-Interface) easy-to-use.
This is what I need backing for.
I need a generous financial support in order to modernize my optical system(software and mathematical infrastructure) developing web application with Xojo that can be used by physicians and eye surgeons at the same time.
Budget Details:
1- Mathematica 10 - Standard edition for professionals: 2’500 Euro 2- Xojo Software: 2’000 Euro 3- MacBook Pro (2): 2’800 Euro * 2
Consultancy: 5’000 Euro Travels: 5’000 Euro