The Toby May – The New Album

von Toby May

Genf, Luzern und New York City

My plan is to record a new solo album of my original material in professional studios (Soundfarm, Kitchen Studio & Dulcitone). Thank you for your support!

CHF 12’520

101% von CHF 12’345

101 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

90 Unterstützer*innen

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen am 25.4.2015

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Your album will be ready soon, I know it seems like ages but I want to get it just right for you beautiful people!!

Until then, check out my new video, one man band live version of LOVE SONG (The Cure cover).

More news soon!

Mixing the AlbumVon Toby May, am 18.01.2016

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I hope you enjoyed the Holiday season as much as I did and that you are looking forward to great things in 2016!! Time flies!! The album will be mixed in the upcoming weeks, then mastered, artwork…so soon you will be receiving music! YEA!!

Here are a few photos that were taken on January 8th during my first concert of 2016 in Japan!

OverdubsVon Toby May, am 02.09.2015

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Hello!! I hope you all have spend a lovely Summer and really hope it was as good as mine!! The album is sounding better everyday as I am busy working on overdubs, recording vocals, glockenspiel, melodica and many other sounds, vocalists Jailyna Martinez, Anna Murphy, Kathrin de Boer and Deutsch Armelle have dropped beautiful backing vocals! My good Friend Mathias Kunzli is also busy recording amazing percussion in NYC and we will soon be moving onto the next step which is mixing!!! YEA!! Young photographer Romane Mayercourt popped into the studio the other day and took these shots! Take care, Toby

Recording SessionVon Toby May, am 27.07.2015

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What an amazing recording session at Soundfarm Studios in Lucerne this weekend with the most wonderful team, Marco Jencarelli (producer, guitars), Richard Spooner (drums), Andi Schnellman (bass), Mischa Mauer (piano, Wurlitzer, synths), Tizian Von Arx (engineer), and the GORGIOUS Anne Lee Mürfel (vocals & Hurdy). Thank you all for your generosity, you can imagine how thrilled I am to hear these songs come to life!!! We still need time to get them just perfect for you, patience please!!

Pre-productionVon Toby May, am 09.07.2015

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Amazing two day pre-production session at studios with Marco Jencarelli in view of the upcoming recording session at Soundfarm!! Sounding mega top class on the incredible but true PSI audio A21-M speakers!!!!

I really cannot wait to record!!! Hope you are all having a great summer!! xxx

Working hard!Von Toby May, am 09.06.2015

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ar Friends! I am currently getting ready for studio time (soon!!!), selecting songs, finalizing lyrics, practicing, testing, more testing…and I cannot help writing more songs… Soon more news! Take care

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Chers Amis,

Je suis vraiment honoré et touché par toutes vos généreuses contributions, maintenant au boulot, je vais vous produire un très bel album!!

Bientôt, je vous donnerai des nouvelles concernant les enregistrements et je vous contacterai individuellement pour discuter de vos contreparties!

D’ici là, prenez soin de vous et rock on!

Dear Friends,

I am so honored and overwhelmed by all your very kind and generous contributions, now let me get to work and produce this beautiful album!!

Soon, I will be in touch with news regarding the recordings and will contact you individually to discuss about your rewards!

Until then, take care and rock on!

still 3 days to go..Von Toby May, am 21.04.2015

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before the end of this crazy operation, in other words, if you still want to be a part of this project and receive great prizes, NOW IS THE TIME!

dans trois jours se termine cette opération de malade, en d’autres mots, si vous voulez encore participer à ce projet et recevoir des super prix, C’EST MAINTENANT!

so so close!!!Von Toby May, am 21.04.2015

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On y est presque chères AMIS!! plus que trois jours et ce pari fou sera accompli grâce à plus 80 contributeurs qui croient en ce project! MAIS, tout n’est pas joué, si on n’y arrive pas, vous serez remboursé et moi je me retrouverai au point de départ!! Alors SVP partagez le lien et l’info une dernière fois à vos amis, collègues, proches et ennemis… MERCI BEAUCOUP!

We’re so close dear FRIENDS!! three days to go and this crazy bet will be accomplished thanx to more than 80 backers who believe in this project! BUT, we’re not there yet, if we don’t get there, you will be refunded and I will be back to square one!! So PLEASE share the link and info one last time to your friends, colleagues, family and enemies… THANX A LOT!

Soirée de soutien, à vos agenda!Von Toby May, am 08.04.2015

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plus d’info:

18 day to go!Von Toby May, am 07.04.2015

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Cher contributeurs, merci pour votre confiance. Il nous reste 18 jours pour arriver à 100% (ou plus..!) de la somme. Oui, nous pouvons y arriver, j’en suis convaincu! Merci de partager cette page avec vos amis, collègues et ensemble réalisons ce nouvel album! Je reviendrai en courant pour vous remercier les Amis!

Dear Backers, thank you for your trust. 18 days to go until we hit 100% (or more..!) of the sum. Yes we can make it, I am convinced! Thanx for sharing this page with your friends, colleagues et together we can make this new album! I’ll come back running to thank you my Friends!

WAW!Von Toby May, am 24.03.2015

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Someone’s going for the Full English Breakfast!!

24%Von Toby May, am 21.03.2015

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Plus que 34 jours pour collecter la somme prévue et nous avons déjà 24% – YES!! KEEP IT UP!! merci aux contributeurs inscrits et welcome to the rest of YOU generous, beautiful people!!

Avec des contreparties trop cool, y en a pour le budget de chacun! Participez à ce projet beau et sincère!

Essais au studioVon Toby May, am 16.03.2015

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Weekend Süper Toll à Soundfarm (Lucerne) où j’ai pu tester quelques titres en studio avec Andi Schnellmann, Mischa Maurer, Marco Jencarelli et Richard Spooner c’est très très prometteur!! Avec cette fine équipe, l’énergie du Pilatus et votre soutien, je vous promets un très belle album!! Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui ont déjà contribué et bienvenu à ceux désirent participé à mon aventure!! C’est trop génial Merci
