There is a pioneer in each of us!
What’s a pioneer … I asked different people. Take a look!
Not at all a typical autobiography: humorously and refreshing frankly told – touching.
The book ’Unretired - I will never keep calm. A life in episodes told by Rosemarie Kurz’ sharpens the eyesight for the different roles of a woman. It shines the light on a life which is extraordinary and exemplary for many women at the same time.
Rosemarie’s moving stories tell us about the grandchildren of the generation of World War II, the mother image dominated by the National Socialist regime, the struggle for survival as a single mother, the escape of the life as a ’well-behaved’ wife, the body as a (mal)functioning machine, depression, moments of success and about the self- empowerment by education – also and especially with a focus on the life after retirement. She also teaches us that at 80+, we can and must not throw her on the scrap heap.
A good story always tells something about the bigger picture.
The book is about Rosemarie Kurz’ experience, adventures and know-how, but it tells a lot more than private stories. It deals with socially relevant topics, it makes visible how they relate to contemporary history and facts – and gazes into the future. What do these stories, what does this life have to do with my and future generations? Being almost 50 years younger than Rosemarie, this aspect fascinates me both as a woman and as her biographer. Since I met Rosemarie for the first time to work on the book in March 2020, like a magnifying glass she forces me to have a closer look at topics like emancipation, empowerment, stereotypes, education and politics.
The history of a city is the story of the people …
…who live in it and who shape it. Therefore, it is all the more important to let the people tell their stories. The book will encourage the readers – and especially women – to stand their ground and to live a self-determined life. The book shows that everyone can be a pioneer and enjoy small and bigger triumphs, regardless of their age, and despite difficult circumstances like war, flops and failures.
Her heart’s desire is fulfilled by printing her enCOURAGing book
I believe in the inspiring power of Rosemarie’s stories. This is the reason why I founded my own publishing company called Kintsugi. It will focus on biographic work. At the moment I bear all the financial burden of the production of the book on my own. To print the book is Rosemarie’s heart’s desire.
To finance the project I need you, the crowd, now!
Companion, critic and friend I want to thank Rosemarie, who has been a companion, a harsh critic and a caring friend, for the last 14 months full of joy and tears. It is like you have allowed me to temporarily live a second life.
With your help, she will be able to share her stories in book readings with me. This is a beautiful way to appreciate her lifetime achievement and her voluntary work over the last