My Vegan Box is a surprise box of vegan products to receive at home, anywhere in Switzerland. It is also the promotion of small businesses and financial support for an animal shelter in Switzerland.

CHF 6’368

42% von CHF 15’000

42 %
So funktioniert’s

Es gilt das «Alles oder Nichts»-Prinzip: Nur wenn das Finanzierungsziel erreicht oder übertroffen wird, werden dem Projekt die Gelder ausgezahlt.

51 Unterstützer*innen

Abgeschlossen am 30.9.2022

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It is with both a twinge of heart and a great amount of gratitude that I write to you today. After a considerable investment in this crowdfunding campaign, it ended this morning with 42% of the objective achieved.

As the We Make It rule says in case a campaign does not achieve its goal, donations will be returned to the donors. You will receive an email from We Make It within the next week informing you of your refund.

I come away from this experience with a lot of emotion, and I remember above all the generosity around this project. I was so moved and grateful to discover all the participations day after day. The campaign also resulted in My Vegan Box having a media presence in two newspapers and two radio stations, which is incredible for such a young company. 💚

The campaign would represent a breath of fresh air for My Vegan Box, to continue our mission to provide easier access to vegan alternatives. It was a bit of an «all or nothing» for the company, which was going to determine if it was possible to continue operating or not. BUT, I do not intend to resign myself and give up. I intend to continue to provide the best to keep My Vegan Box afloat and grow the business. The monthly vegan boxes will therefore still be there, and we will also soon be opening an online store to find your favorite products. (Think of us for your Christmas gifts!)

If you still want to support us, you will find the bank details of the company below:

Holder: Angeline Cousineau IBAN: CH1200 2902 9014 1755 40Y BIC: UBSWCHZH80A

  • For all those who had chosen a Classic or Premium box, I invite you to order it directly from our website:

  • For all other rewards, please contact me directly to see if they are still available.

Unfortunately, I do not have access to the details of the participations and the names of each of you, but I would like to thank you again for your donations. 💚

For anyone who would like to reveal yourself, hear from the company, or ask if your counterpart is still available, here is my phone number / WhatsApp: 0041 789 56 14 96 and my email:

See you soon 💚

Angeline Cousineau Founder My Vegan Box

Dernière ligne droite / Last hours Von Angéline, am 28.09.2022

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français ci-dessous]

Dear Contributors,

We have a few hours left to complete our objective. Although we are still far from it, we are not going to give up, and we still believe everything is possible. ✨

I would like to personally thank each of you, who participated and shared the crowdfunding campaign. Your support means the world. I am so grateful almost 50 people believe here in our project and decided to support it.

I would like to send you this message as our last call. Our last call to share this project around you, and maybe make someone you know participate as well. Our last call for all of you who want to support us one more time.

There is so much love in this project and I am sure you can feel it. It is our goal to make vegan alternatives more accessible here in Switzerland, and we won’t be resting until the objective is fulfilled. 💪

A deep thank you once again. 💚

I wish you a wonderful day.

Angéline My Vegan Box Founder

Coup de cœur We Make It 🧡Von Angéline, am 15.09.2022

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Nous faisons partie des coups de cœur We Make It!

Et deuxième bonne nouvelle de la journée : nous avons atteint les 5000 CHF!

Nous avons encore 14 jours pour atteindre l’objectif et je suis convaincue, qu’ensemble, c’est possible!

Merci à We Make It pour la mise en valeur.

Merci à tous pour vos participations. 🧡

New reward | Nouvelle contrepartie ✨Von Angéline, am 13.09.2022

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  • Wall of Contributors
    Wall of Contributors
  • Mur des Donateurs
    Mur des Donateurs

français en dessous

Good morning!

We reached 31% of our objective, and I would like to thank each of you for participating. By reaching the goal together, the sustainability of My Vegan Box will be ensured.

I decided to offer a new reward for anyone wishing to support the project without choosing a physical product. The reward is called «Your name on our website» and it is available for a symbolic price of 10 CHF. I would be honored to include you in our «Wall of Contributors» once the crowdfunding is finished.

Have a lovely day! ☀️


Nous sommes en direct! 📻Von Angéline, am 07.09.2022

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L’aventure entrepreneuriale de My Vegan Box continue, parsemée d’expériences incroyables, comme l’apparition de ce matin dans Le 6/9 LFM, La radio.

Ce fut un honneur d’être l’invitée du jour pour parler véganisme🌱

Retrouvez le podcast en vidéo juste ici 👇

Rouge FM RadioVon Angéline, am 06.09.2022

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📻 My Vegan Box est passée à la radio!

J’ai été invitée par la radio Rouge FM jeudi dernier pour parler de la campagne de crowdfunding

Lien vers le podcast:

Zoom on the Ebook / Zoom sur l'EbookVon Angéline, am 31.08.2022

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1ère semaine en chiffresVon Angéline, am 23.08.2022

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I started crowdfunding for My Vegan Box a week ago.

A look back at this beginning of the adventure in a few figures:

  • 1660 CHF was collected, or 11% of the objective.
  • 17 contributors
  • 2 press articles (in GaultMillau Schweiz and Le Temps)
  • Countless motivational/support messages and shares.

Every participation, every share counts.

Thank YOU ! 💚

My Vegan Box sous les projecteursVon Angéline, am 22.08.2022

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Article Le Temps
Article Le Temps

Bonjour à tous!

Voilà quelques jours que la campagne est lancée et je souhaite personnellement remercier chacun d’entre vous pour votre participation et pour vos partages.

C’est un grand moment pour My Vegan Box, qui a de plus été l’objet de deux articles de presse dans le cours de la dernière semaine. Je vous invite à les découvrir si le cœur vous en dit

Bonne lecture et à bientôt pour un nouvel update 💚
