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1343progetti vicino a St Petersburg in arte

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Piano Trio Festival 2019

Musica, festival e arte

San Pietroburgo

Some of the best Swiss and European musicians gather to convey the universal ideas of classical chamber music beyond national borders.

0 %
CHF 40
0 sostenitori
Nordic Spells*

Mostre e arte

Copenaghen, Basilea e Salò

Nordic Spells*

di KunstKontor

Nordic Spells* is Art from Nordic Countries, current research and «hygge». Meet artists from the North, work and discuss with them – and then there is also frokost.

74 %
CHF 2’600
24 sostenitori
Airstream Shakers on Tour

Musica, arti sceniche e arte


Airstream Shakers on Tour

di Airstream Shakers

Wir haben die Möglichkeit bekommen mit einer Booking Agentur aus Russland eine Tour zu starten. Wir touren in 12 Tagen durch das halbe Land hindurch, bei denen wir immer als Headliner spielen werden.

9 %
CHF 465
8 sostenitori
Transcription of an error

Musica, arti sceniche e arte


Transcription of an error

di Alexander Chernyshkov

Transcription of an error is a very personal way of combining music and theatre. The staging of this new austrian-italian-russian version will take place in Moscow at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre.

100 %
EUR 15’075
150 sostenitori
Hand made studio



Hand made studio

di Anna_Kovalova

Сreation of a shop and workshop of handmade products. Support craft lovers to sell their products. Creation and arrangement of space to socialize and educate people.

0 %
0 sostenitori
L’art et la philosophie



Je veux combiner une multitude de processus créatifs qui impliquent la photographie, la peinture digitale et textes philosophiques pour créer des expérimentations architecturales et philosophiques.

1 %
EUR 52
2 sostenitori
The Pink Mark – Minsk 2015

Sociale e arte


In a project that moves between painting and performance I will create an installation that will that intents to commemorate the Gay victims of the Nazi persecution.

100 %
CHF 8’000
17 sostenitori
The Glacier's Essence

Scienza, editoria e arte

Grönland e Glarona

The Glacier's Essence

di Martin Stützle

Wir erzählen in diesem Buch mit Fotografien und Kupferstichen Geschichten von Gletschern und Menschen in Grönland und der Schweiz. Texte von Klimaforschenden ergänzen die eindringlichen Bilder.

113 %
CHF 34’070
140 sostenitori
AIESEC InternationalCongress

Sociale, arte e ambiente


AIESEC InternationalCongress

di AIESEC International Congress 2016

With your help we’ll gather 1000 young minds in 1 place for more than a week, we’ll allow them to speak up and come up with solutions to global issues in cooperation with companies, government & NGOs.

119 %
EUR 5’970
78 sostenitori
Hand Made Peshawari Chapal

Moda, design e arte

Malmö e Peshawar

100% Hand Stitched Peshawari Chapal. Stylish and comfortable.
A popular and traditional footwear of Pakistani origin which has inspired many.

0 %
0 sostenitori
Torrent magazine

Editoria e arte

Zurigo, Parigi e Copenaghen

Torrent magazine

di Linda Jensen and Daniel Kurjakovic

Torrent is a yearly magazine focusing on source materials by artists, edited by Daniel Kurjakovic and Linda Jensen. It features previously unpublished material from artists ongoing research archives.

119 %
CHF 11’341
75 sostenitori
Ukrainische Buchillustration

Sociale, infanzia / giovani e arte

Charkiv e Dresda

Ukrainische Buchillustration

di Wunderhaus Verlag

Galia Zinko hat noch im Bunker ihres Wohnhauses in Charkiw zwei neue Märchenbücher illustriert, «Die Schneekönigin» und «Däumelinchen». Für die Veröffentlichung im Herbst brauchen wir Eure Hilfe!