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3437projects close to Aralsk in community

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Aralsk. But this may be of interest to you.
Movie "KURAK"

Film, Politics, and Community


Movie «KURAK»

by #kairatbirimkulov

A film that portrays the position of women in patriarchal society in an unembellished way. The tragic stories of three women based on true facts.

4 %
CHF 1’140
13 backers
Une grosse boule de neige

Community, Kids / Youth, and Sport

Bishkek and Sion

Une grosse boule de neige

by Boule de Neige association

Grâce à vous, des dizaines d’enfants kirghizes vont pouvoir pratiquer les sports de neige.

111 %
CHF 4’470
52 backers
Donation for Afghanistan

Food and Community

Kabul, Kandahar, and Herat

Donation for Afghanistan

by Education_for_Integration

Since the country is under the control of the Taliban, the situation has gotten worse for the habitants. Many families are forced to flee from their homes and leave everything behind.

105 %
CHF 31’647
224 backers
Happy Ears at Budka

Music and Community


Happy Ears at Budka

by Budka Tbilisi

Budka brings people with common interests in culture together, as a community, in order to enjoy simple pleasures of life.

100 %
EUR 3’000
44 backers
Schule für junge Afghaninnen

Community, Kids / Youth, and Education


Schule für junge Afghaninnen


Junge Exil-Afghanen in der Schweiz wollen Schulbildung für 100 Mädchen ab 12 Jahren in Afghanistan organisieren. Denn diese dürfen derzeit nicht zur Schule. Engagierst du dich mit?

45 %
CHF 16’035
86 backers
Didi Mitarbi 360°

Community, art, and Environment

Didi Mitarbi

We want to equip and start up a residency in one of the Georgian mountain villages that will be working as meeting space on an open-source principles for artists, designers, architects....

0 %
0 backers
It's not that far



It's not that far

by Tskaltubolab

A bicycle workshop for and with young Georgian women. We want to introduce discarded bicycles from Germany and Switzerland to upgrade them together and set up a workshop.

114 %
CHF 635
13 backers
Sewing for future

Politics and Community

Kabul and Kandahar

Sewing for future

by Education_for_Integration

Mit dem Projekt «sewing for future » wollen wir afghanische Frauen helfen selbstständig zu werden. Dadurch ermöglichen wir ihnen eine Chance zu überleben und ihre eigene Familie zu ernähren.

8 %
CHF 1’750
17 backers
Humanitarian Aid Car



Humanitarian Aid Car

by Libereco - Partnership for Human Rights

In order to reach particularly vulnerable groups, the aid organisation Vostok SOS urgently needs a new delivery van. Help them supply the people in the Ukrainian frontline region with relief supplies!

102 %
CHF 12’305
68 backers
Isfahan / Half of the world

Community, art, and Tourism


This project is a tribute to my city, Isfahan.
Some prints of my watercolor works and urban sketches from this beautiful city are available, and I will be happy to share these beauties with you.

9 %
EUR 509
9 backers
Centre d'accueil en Ukraine

Community and Kids / Youth


Centre d'accueil en Ukraine

by Comité Ukraine Vaud

Le Comité Ukraine Suisse lance en cette fin d’année une collecte de fonds pour un projet porté par l’ONG Base UA, active auprès des jeunes dans la région de Donetsk, à proximité de la ligne de front.

12 %
CHF 310
9 backers
Strom rettet Leben

Community and Technology


Strom rettet Leben

by – Hilfe für die Kriegsopfer in der Ukraine, Ukrainehilfemitherz, and Alfonso Wunschheim

Russland zerstört systematisch ukrainische Kraftwerke. Tagelange Stromausfälle sind die Folge. Mit dringend benötigten Generatoren helfen wir Spitälern in der Ostukraine Leben zu retten.