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539projects close to Lobitos District in design

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Lobitos District. But this may be of interest to you.
Trade with social sense

Design, Fair Trade, and Community

Boyacá and Geneva

Trade with social sense

by Emeraudinne, Bijoux Éthique

«Emeraudinne – Ethical Jewellery» seeks to improve the living conditions of informal miners of the Colombian emerald mining region and allow single mothers in the mining zones of Colombia.

5 %
CHF 1’934
13 backers
Das Frauenhaus von Getsemani

Design, Community, and Technology


Im kolumbianischen Indio-Reservat von Caño Mochuelo steht ein Rohbau, der für die Herstellung von Kunsthandwerk gedacht war. Es fehlt aber an Geld für Mobiliar und Werkstätten. Das will ich ändern!

110 %
CHF 13’242
57 backers
Collection «Mestizo»

Fashion and Design

San Pedro La Laguna

Collection «Mestizo»


Mestizo is a Fashion collection that is not primarily searching commercial success; it is rather meant to be an audacious-artistic selection.

106 %
EUR 14’952
97 backers
Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

Film, Design, and Architecture

Salta and Lausanne

Nomadic Cinema in Argentina!

by Le Repaire Fantastique

Collaborative II: CNNA We are three swiss designers and we are moving to Argentina to work on a collaborative, cultural and social project of a nomadic cinema.

114 %
CHF 11’490
65 backers
Nous Recyclons

Design, Community, and Environment

Mexico City

Nous Recyclons

by Nosotros Reciclamos

Notre pari: transformer le PET pour transformer la vie des plus pauvres au Mexique. En 2017, nous voulons augmenter temps de travail, revenus et qualité des produits, pour devenir autosuffisants.

5 %
CHF 850
11 backers
Giovanni Lo Presti NewYorkFW

Fashion, Design, and Art

New York

Giovanni Lo Presti NewYorkFW

by Giovanni Lo Presti

Après de long mois de dur labeur,j’ai réussi à décrocher une place pour la mythique Fashion Week à New York en septembre, je vais donc fièrement représenter la Suisse et pour cela j’ai besoin de vous.

134 %
CHF 3’350
29 backers
Book «Designing TWA»

Publishing, Design, and Architecture

New York and Zurich

Book «Designing TWA»

by Kornel Ringli

The TWA Terminal is one of the best-known buildings of our time. The lack of a book on the icon of the 1960s is all the more surprising. «Designing TWA» shall fill this gap.

228 %
CHF 20’778
144 backers

Fashion, Design, and Art

Zurich, New York, and Rome


by Cindy Heller

Support Wanderbag and help to increase the sensitivity for ecological questions.

150 %
CHF 6’010
24 backers
Wepot goes Senegal

Design, Community, and Environment


Wepot goes Senegal

by Quentin Kany and Clément Perez

Let’s build a ceramic workshop in Casamance (Senegal) to enhance local agriculture. We will produce an ecological irrigation system within an eco-village.

21 %
CHF 7’354
108 backers
The Nice Magazine

Photography, Publishing, and Design

Abidjan and Zürich

The Nice Magazine

by Klaym, Rahel, and Flurina & Franziska

Insights into contemporary urban Africa through visual and written contributions by up-and-coming young African talents

107 %
CHF 26’786
255 backers
maison nasire

Fashion, Startup, and Design

Zürich and Marrakesh

maison nasire

by nasire

We are nasire, a young Swiss label and we want to open our first own store in Marrakesh. Join us on this adventure!

113 %
CHF 30’530
155 backers
Cache-nez made in Burkina

Design and Community


Contre le Covid19: Produire et offrir au Burkina Faso, 25 000 caches-nez réutilisables et confectionnés en tissu local avec insert en papier traité, biodégradable à changer chaque jour.