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1348projects close to Island in environment

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We have projects happening in many places, but unfortunately right now, there isn’t anything on close to Island. But this may be of interest to you.
Arctic'stique expedition ⛵️

Design, art, and Environment


An artistic residency of 4 weeks on board the Knut, a 15-meter sailboat equipped for arctic expeditions. We will face the fare north, discover the East Coast of Greenland and make art.

136 %
CHF 10’942
107 backers
Grönland by fair means

Sport and Environment


Grönland by fair means

by SAC Frauen-Expeditionsteam 2023-2025, Gianna, and Naomie

Hilf uns, unsere Kletter-Expedition nach Grönland zu ermöglichen, wo wir neue Routen begehen möchten. Für die Reise werden wir möglichst nachhaltige Verkehrsmittel wie Zug, Fähre und Segelboot nutzen.

52 %
CHF 10’420
38 days to go
Le rêve Irlandais

Tourism and Environment


Le rêve Irlandais

by EmmaSeguy

Des vacances idylliques en roulotte.
Dans un cadre respectueux de la nature, venez profiter d'une expérience unique en roulotte, au coeur du comté de Mayo en Irlande.

1 %
EUR 100
1 backer
Expedition Glacialis

Science, Community, and Environment

Ilulissat and Açores

Expedition Glacialis

by Virginie Wyss, Richard Mardens, and Arnaud Conne

A human adventure on the sailing boat Atlas in the Arctic that combines SCIENCE & EDUCATION. We will study and census marine mammals, birds, pollution and climate change.

101 %
CHF 40’571
244 backers
Grand Nord

Comics, art, and Environment


Grand Nord

by Frédéric Roussel

Un Roman Graphique dans l'Arctique

101 %
CHF 3’035
40 backers
Les Mains Glacées

Comics, art, and Environment

Nuuk and Neuchâtel

Réalisation d'une bande dessinée illustrant le périple d’un petit groupe d’artistes naviguant sur un voilier au Groenland. Une vision d’artiste confrontée à un univers polaire en pleine mutation.

110 %
CHF 4’400
55 backers
Through Swedens wild side

Publishing and Environment


Through Swedens wild side

by Fabienne and Fabienne Theiler

Fact: 80 years old Karlernst is about to conquer one of Europe’s most remote and wildest nature reserves with his 6 sleddogs. The book: A tribute to nature’s dignity in balance with mans life.

25 %
EUR 580
11 backers
klarälvens lilla oasen

Food, tourism, and Environment


klarälvens lilla oasen

by and

Wir schaffen in Schweden einen Ort, an dem die Gäste im Mittelpunkt stehen und sich willkommen fühlen. Unter diesem Motto entsteht unser Hotel- und Restaurantbetrieb in Schweden. Komm mit uns mit!

48 %
CHF 9’647
13 backers
Nature experience in Sweden

Community, tourism, and Environment


Nature experience in Sweden

by Timber Lodge Family

Support our project for sustainable nature experiences in Sweden, be a part of our mission. We would like to build 4 new stugas (bungalows) and a nature spa in the forest on our site.

8 %
CHF 4’120
20 backers
Sustainability in Sport EDU

Sport, Environment, and Education

Zürich and London

Sustainability in Sport EDU

by Nico and Daniel

Our self-paced online course offers the complete lowdown on sustainability in sport for busy sport execs, working in and around the topic.

106 %
EUR 21’385
33 backers
polar artist residency

Art and Environment


This summer we'll embark for one month on a sailing boat for an onborad artist residency around the Svalbard islands.

101 %
CHF 12’155
51 backers
Umweltlager auf Ameland

Community, Kids / Youth, and Environment


Die 8. Klasse der Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürich möchte ihren Umwelteinsatz in Ameland (Holland) durchführen. Dazu brauche wir deine Unterstützung!