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1316projects close to Oaxaca in environment
Reset FiltersCommunity, Environment, and Education
Naturheilpark SEMUK / Mexiko
by Pascal K'in Greub
Design, Community, and Environment
Mexico City
Nous Recyclons
by Nosotros Reciclamos
Kids / Youth and Environment
Kinder pflanzen 100000 Bäume
by CasaGirasol
Community and Environment
El Astillero
Community Event Nicaragua
by Maurice Camenisch
Startup, Community, and Environment
El Astillero
BFWP braucht ein PickUpAuto!
by Buy Food with Plastic
Fashion, Journalism, and Environment
Accra, Guangzhou, and Haiti
by reportagen
Community, tourism, and Environment
Mole Saint-Nicolas
Ecotourism is back in Haïti!
by Boukan Guinguette
Community, Environment, and Education
by Nina Fischer
Science, Environment, and Animals
Right whales of Brazil
by Daniel Schiavon
Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
Huertas de la Eco-Esperanza
by Gabriela Buser
Kids / Youth, Environment, and Education
Art et Savoirs pour tous!
by Projets Responsables and Caliki
Community, Environment, and Animals
El Chical
Minga Reforestation Project
by Kenzo